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Animals that live on the actual slopes of the Alpine area include the Mountain Pygmy possum, the Native Bush rat, the Broad-toothed rat and Swainson's antechinus. Species which live on the lower slopes include the Mountain Brushtail possum, Common Brushtail possum, Ringtail possum, Eastern Pygmy possum, Common Wombat, Red-necked Wallaby, Swamp Wallaby and Eastern Grey Kangaroo. Nine bat species live in the high country, including Gould's Wattled Bat, the Lesser Long-eared Bat and the Chocolate Wattled Bat.

Some of the birds observed in the Alpine regions during summer include the Australian Kestrel, the Australian Pipit, the White-browed Scrub-wren, the Flame Robin, the Pied Currawong, the Grey Currawong and the Little Raven. Others are more common below the tree line, such as the Gang-gang Cockatoo, the Crimson Rosella, the Fan-tailed Cuckoo, the Grey Fantail, the Emu, the Superb Lyrebird and the Yellow-faced Honeyeater.

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