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Well, im no expert, thank goodness, but it really depends and varies. Some wash your windshield randomly, some just ask for change, some even try to sell clothes. However, there are others who steal and sell what they stold. Very sad.

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Q: What kind of work do homeless people do for money?
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What were hobos and why did they wander?

the homeless people that don't have house and they have no money

Should i give money to homeless people?

Depends. If they really need it than yes, but if they can work then no

What kind of people work a lot?

people that want lots of money work alot

Why do people work for meals on wheels?

To give meals to the homeless.

Was there homeless people in 1954?

Of course there were. There have been homeless people ever since people have been living in cities, and having to work for a living, and owed money to banks or through private dealings. They were never really covered by the media in those days. People were more proud then, and homelessness was looked upon as evil.

What is the difference between middle class people and homeless people?

seriously, middle-call are homeowners, and homeless people cannot work because they can not keep anytype of job

Why do homeless people have no homes?

Because they are not earning any money to live in either a flat or a house. that's why you have to get a good job so you do have somewhere to live. Orits they can not be bothered to work so you don't have any money.

What work are you looking for?

I am looking to work for poor and needy people. Homeless kids.

Do homeless shelters charge homeless people?

Most homeless shelters do not charge homeless people for their services, as they are meant to provide assistance and support to those in need. However, some shelters may have specific rules or requirements in place for admission, such as participation in programs or following certain guidelines.

Why must we go to work?

so we can make money and support ourselves. Do you want trend up homeless?

What can homeless people teach us?

To work hard or u will end up like them

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Save some money