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Q: What kind stone gets smaller the longer you carry it around?
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mountain and moorland ponies are supposed to be able to carry at least their height in stone so 14.2hh can carry at least 14 1/2 stone

What do the rivers carry to the sea?

Stone, sand , and fertilize

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it has a smaller mass

What size is a kidney stone?

it depends. but smaller then a pea.

How has the Rosetta stone changed since it was made?

it is smaller

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What is the average weight of an eleven year old who's four foot nine?

I am 12 (well by the time any 1 reads this i will be) and i am 5'4 ish. i weigh about 6 and a half stone/ almost 7 stone. As you are smaller then me i think that you should be around 6 and a half stone.

What did the Jews have to carry up steps that killed them?

stone (it was at Mauthausen)

The Rosetta stone is the largest stone?

No, just look at the grand canyon or the big rocks in water or rivers, the Rosetta stone is smaller than those words.

How can i bring back a dead caterpillar?

As long as you carry around your necromancer's stone and make sure to use the proper incantations, you should be perfectly fine.

Why it is difficult to lift a large stone on the surface of the earth but easy to lift a smaller one?

Large stone has more mass compare to a small one. And mass is directly proportional to weight where 'g' is constant for every object on earth. As a result larger stone has more weight than that of smaller. That's why it is difficult to lift larger stone on the surface of the earth but easier to lift a smaller one.

How did stone age people carry things?

Stone age people carried things using simple tools like baskets, slings, and animal hides. They also used wooden frames or sticks to distribute the weight of heavy loads across their bodies. Additionally, they may have used animals like donkeys or dogs to help carry items.