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spears, clubs and bones

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Q: What kind tools did prehistoric people use?
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What sort of farm tools did the Celtic Irish use?

what kind of tools do Irish people use what kind of tools do Irish people use they use a side and a sticke where use to cut crops axes, spit, coldren, plough,saddle stone,bellos all of witch are tools of Celtic farms

What tools did gatherers use in the prehistoric times?

a spoon and a fork :) ;) :0 :D

What are three characteristics of prehistoric groups of people?

Hunter-gatherer lifestyle: Prehistoric groups relied on hunting animals and gathering plants for food. Nomadic settlements: They moved frequently in search of resources, following patterns of migration. Use of basic tools: Prehistoric people used simple tools made from bone, stone, and wood for hunting, cooking, and building shelter.

What kind of tools they used?

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What kind of tools did people use to build the statue of Zeus?

A chisel and hammer...

What tools did prehistoric people use to build the ditch that surrounds Stonehenge?

they didn't have the kind of tools we have today what they did was they took a stone that was sharp enough to penetrate dirt and they used it to loosen up really tough dirt then when it was loose enough and easy enough to dig through they scooped it out with their hands. If you think about it It probably took a really long time

What kind of tools do aboriginal people use?

they used spears and blades and bones and parts of the animals

What did Aborigines use for art?

what tools did the people use for the aboriginl arts

What kind of tools did the Aztec Indians use?

they used wood tools and steel tools and rock or stone tools

What kind of point for their tools did the Clovis people use?

The clovis people used various sharpened rocks as points for their tools. These became known as clovis points and generally consisted of stones or bones.