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There are many kinds of animals or insects are afraid of light and stay in the dark. These insects include cockroaches.

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Q: What kinds of animals or insects are afraid of light and stay in the dark?
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How many animals does it take to change a light bulb?

None. Animals are not afraid of the dark.

Which animals detect ultraviolet light?

I now that bumblebees are able to see ultraviolet rays. I am not sure about any other animals or insects. I am also looking for more answers.

On how the animals nare able to produce light of their own?

Animals that are able to produce light of their own through a process called bioluminescence. This is seen mostly in deep sea creatures and insects.

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Many insects navigate using polarized light; for example bees and ants. Some birds are also sensitive to light polarization.

What animals are sensitive to lights?

Although the bat is known not to come out into the light, a bat can't detect light because a bat is blind and uses a sense called sonar to find its way around.

Why do insects live in gardens?

Levels of light, moisture and temperature, places for shelter, opportunities for mating and sources of food explain why insects live in gardens. Gardens offer plants for plant-eating insects. They offer domesticated and wild animals and people for carnivorous and omnivorous insects.

What are the twilight animals?

Twilight animals are typically active during the dawn and dusk hours, when the light is low. Some examples include bats, owls, and certain species of rodents and insects. These animals have adapted to take advantage of the changing light conditions for hunting or other activities.

What animal is most affraid of light?

The animal who is most afraid of the dark is unknown. But there are some rare cases where dogs are afraid of the dark. This, though, is very rare.

What kinds of animals might have survived the period of reduced light?

Animals that would have survived on reduced light would be those that are meat eaters. Of course, they wouldn't have survived long because plants would dies and they wouldn't have oxygen.

What is a good hypothesis for insects light vs heat?

A hypothesis is a prediction on what you think will happen. For experiments on insects being attracted to light or heat, a hypothesis could be that insects are attracted to light over heat.

Why do spiders know to make their webs close to a light bulb?

Insects, especially winged insects, are attracted to the bright light emitted from a light bulb. Spiders prey on insects, so the more insects are attracted to a certain place, the more spiders will be present there to eat them.

What does an insect catch light do?

Catches insects by attracting them with a light.