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Q: What kinds of evidence found in the alps give validity to plate tectonics?
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The kinds of evidence that indicates how closely species are related are evidence of DNA and protein structure.

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The validity of the projection depends on the validity of the model. If the model is valid over the domain in question then the projection is valid within that domain. If the model is not then the projection is not. And that applies to all kinds of graphs - not just exponential.

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as new evidence and more kinds of organism are discovered

What are two kinds of evidence?

Primary and secondary sources.

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Primary and secondary sources.

What kinds of techniques are used to acquire evidence as a forensic scientist?

Obviously not !

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Letters, pictures, diaries.

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real, direct, and circumstantial

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the answer is elemetary

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Evidence such as journals, maps, sketches, plant and animal specimens, as well as artifacts like tools and equipment, provide insights into Lewis and Clark's expedition. These materials can offer details about the terrain, encounters with Native American tribes, flora and fauna discoveries, and the overall challenges faced during the journey. Additionally, reports from team members and any interactions with local communities can also shed light on their expedition.