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Mostly coal

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Q: What kinds of fuel does the Appalachian region produce?
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Do Hydrogen fuel cell have impact on society?

Yes, of course. It takes raw materials and engergy to produce a hydrogen fuel cell. It then takes raw materials and energy to produce the hydrogen fuel. However, the result of the hydrogen fuel cell combustion is water - this is a significant improvement over regular internal combustion engines which produce all kinds of exhaust fumes.Assuming hydrogren fuel cells become wide spread then society will change in many ways from new jobs and new fuel refineries/distribution to new language/slang for the HFCs etc...

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The correct syntax would be "different kinds of fuel".

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No plant produce fuel directly, but just about any plant can be harvested and turned into one type of fuel or another.Oil,And gas is fuel too!

How much fuel does the average car produce a year?

Produce means to make/manufacture. Cars dont produce fuel - please restate the question.

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it doesn't produce oil or fuel if you were wondering about that to

Coal is used as fuel to produce what?

in power stations to produce electricity,,,

What energy does fossil fuel produce?

Through combustion they produce heat.

How can yeast produce fuel for cars?

There are many products that can be used as fuel for cars. These products are more natural and better for the environment than fuel. Yeast can be used to produce fuel for cars by breaking it down.

What kinds of combustion fuel produce the greenhouse gas carbon dioxide?

Almost all fuels produce carbon dioxide when burnt, but only fossil fuels such as oil, coal and natural gas actually add to the amount of carbon dioxide naturally present in the atmosphere.

Explain why gas oil is cracked to produce gasoline?

To produce a higher octane fuel. A fuel that will power high efficiency engines.

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What fossil fuel is needed to produce petrol?

oil is used to produce petrol.