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Q: What kinds of mineral deposits are found in the US?
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Is it true deposits are found along the Gulf Coast?

Yes, sedimentary deposits are found along the Gulf Coast. This is the best answer we can give as you have not told us which deposits you are asking about.

Where is the largest deposites og sphalerite found?

The largest deposits of sphalerite is found in the US.

In what part of the us are large deposits of iron ore found?

Large deposits of iron ore are found in the Iron Range region of Minnesota in the United States. This area is known for its extensive iron mining operations due to the high-quality iron ore reserves present there.

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What mineral mined in the US is found only in California?

Silicone, lol. I had to...

What are the mineral resources found in US?

coal, petroleum, lead, and silver

Where is the mineral copper from?

The mineral native copper can be found in the US at Michigan's Keeweenaw Peninsula, and in Arizona. It can also be found in some areas of Russia, Germany, and Australia.

What are four mineral resources found in the US?

coal, petroleum, lead, and silver

What is the most common mineral found in the US?

Probably calcite, the main constituent of limestones.

Name four of the mineral resources found in the US?

iron ore, zinc, silver, and gold

Can you find albite in the US?

Yes, albite is a common mineral found in many states from California to Maine.

Where in the us is shaft mining found?

Anywhere that the mineral or metal is not close to the surface, requiring that a shaft be dug to get to it.