

What kinds of religion does the people of Greece have?

Updated: 8/21/2019
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Q: What kinds of religion does the people of Greece have?
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What is the most popular religion in Greece today?

Most people in Greece are Greek Orthodoxyists.

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In modern Greece, most follow the orthodox religion which practices baptism.

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He was devoted to the ancient religion of Greece!!

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It meant that they had no main religion and allowed people to practice all kinds of religion.

What role did religion play in everyday life in greece?

Greek people only believe in Zeus silly

How is modern Greece different to ancient Greece in Religion?

so sad :(

How was the religion in ancient Greece similar to the religion in ancient Egypt?

They both believe in Gods and Goddesses.

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They shared ideas of philosophy, government, religion, and the arts.

What characteristics did people in city-state throughout Greece share?

They shared ideas of philosophy, government, religion, and the arts.

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What were the religions of ANCIENT Greece?

Ancient Greece believed in a polytheism religion.