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All types of rocks.

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Q: What kinds of rocks change when they come in contact with magma?
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Related questions

What is Contact metamorphic?

Contact Metamorphism: When magma comes in contact with other rocks it will heat them and change them into new rocks. This often happens around an igneous intrusion.

When rocks come into contact with a heat source such as magma and the rocks get cooked?

Contact metamorphism

Contact with magma can change the minerals of rocks?

Yes and do u have the same work sheet as me page 68 and the packet is called what are metamorphic rocks?

What rocks are formed by magma?

Intrusive igneous rocks are formed by magma. Magma can also cause the contact metamorphism of rock that it is intruded into.

How do contact metamorphic rocks form?

its forms by contact with hot magma

What results when rocks come in contact with molten rocks such as those in an igneous intrustion?

If sedimentary rock becomes intruded by a mass of magma in an igneous intrusion, it will turn into a metamorphic rock. The change takes place because of great pressure and intense heat.

Contact metamorphism occurs when rocks come into contact with magma Ture or False?


What causes contact metamorphism?

contact metamorphism occurs when hot magma bakes rocks

What kind of metamorphism occurs when rocks come on contact with a heat source such as magma and the rocks surrounding the heat source get cooked?

contact :)

Can contact with magma change the minerals of a rock?

Yes and do u have the same work sheet as me page 68 and the packet is called what are metamorphic rocks?

What is a contact to metamorphism?

A process that alters rocks as a result of heat generated from magma

What the mantle consist of?

Hot molten magma and a dozens of particles such as rocks and all kinds of metals.