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Plantae Kingdom (Plants)

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Q: What kingdoms have organisms that cellulose in their cell walls?
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What organisms contain cell walls with cellulose?

Plants, algae, and some bacteria contain cell walls with cellulose. Cellulose is a structural component of the cell wall that provides support and protection to these organisms.

Both plants and fungi have cell walls made up of cellulose True or False?

False. Plants have cell walls made up of cellulose, while fungi have cell walls made up of chitin.

What are some organisms that contain cellulose?

Cellulose is hard to digest plant material found in plants such as grass and leaves.Herbivores such as Cows and giraffes can digest cellulose.certain types of bacteria can digest cellulose as well.

Do amoeba have cell walls of cellouse?

No, amoebas do not have cell walls made of cellulose. They belong to a group of organisms known as protozoa, which generally lack cell walls or have flexible cell membranes. Cellulose cell walls are more commonly found in plants and some algae.

Which is these organisms has the most complex cell wall?

Plants and fungi have cell walls. Note that while plants have cell walls made of cellulose, fungi cell walls are made of chitin.

What kingdoms are plants in?

Plants are part of the kingdom Plantae. This kingdom includes a diverse group of organisms that primarily obtain energy through photosynthesis and have cell walls made of cellulose.

What is An eukaryotic organism that has a cell wall that does not contain cellulose?

Fungi are eukaryotic organisms that have cell walls that do not contain cellulose. Instead, their cell walls are primarily composed of chitin, a complex sugar molecule.

Do scientists believe plants evolved directly from cellulose?

No, scientists believe that plants did not evolve directly from cellulose. Cellulose is a complex carbohydrate that makes up the cell walls of plants. Plants evolved from simpler ancestral organisms that did not have cellulose in their cell walls, but over time, they developed cellulose as a structural component.

What five kingdoms have cell walls?

The five kingdoms that have organisms with cell walls are Plantae, Fungi, Bacteria, Protista, and Archaea.

How is kingdom plantae different from other kingdoms?

Kingdom Plantae is characterized by organisms that are autotrophic, meaning they can make their food through photosynthesis. They have cell walls made of cellulose and contain chlorophyll for photosynthesis. This sets them apart from other kingdoms such as Animalia, which are heterotrophic and lack cell walls.

Do different organisms have different substances within their cell walls?

Yes, different organisms have different substances in their cell walls. For example, plants have cell walls made of cellulose, fungi have cell walls made of chitin, and bacteria have cell walls made of peptidoglycan. These differences in cell wall composition are important for distinguishing between different types of organisms.