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Q: What lab test will be affected if patient is not fasting?
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Is lab test for depakote fasting?

No, but it should be trough level (several hours after last dose).

List of fasting lab test?

blood sugarcholesterol

What lab test should be done for a patient placed on coumadin therapy?

The test usually used is a clotting time measurement.

Can you have non dairy creamer before a blood test?

That might depend on what the blood test is for. If you are doing fasting labwork for cholesterol or diabetes, it can effect the results. Even though the non dairy creamer is cholesterol free, it does contain sugars. These sugars can increase the fasting sugar level as well as the triglyceride portion of the cholesterol. It is recommended that if you are asked to be fasting for a lab, that you only drink water or black coffee prior to the lab.

How long should I fast for a tsh blood test?

No. Fasting is only required for lab tests which examine lipids, sugars (blood glucose, glycohemoglobin, etc.) and amino acids.

Can you use snuff before a fasting blood test?

I have without any problems, but you should call the lab that is testing you they should have someone to answer questions 24 hours a day depending on the lab size.

Do I need to fast before a blood test?

Certain blood test lab near me, require fasting before the test to ensure accurate results. For example, lipid profile, fasting blood sugar, and fasting lipid profile tests typically require 8 to 12 hours of fasting. During this fasting period, you should refrain from consuming any food or beverages, except water. However, not all blood tests require fasting, so it's essential to follow the specific instructions provided by the laboratory or healthcare professional.

Does serum creatinine test require fasting?

For 8 hours prior to test it is preferable to abstain from eating or drinking, except water. Additionally, the doctor may ask you to restrain from some drugs which affect the levels, like ascorbic acid (Vit C), and some diuretics

Can you drink sodas when fasting for a blood test?

No, you cannot drink soda pop when fasting. The only liquid that should be consumed is water. The ingredients in a soda can interfer with the lab results, eg. sugar in the soda can give a false glucose reading.

What does Lipid panel mean in medical terms?

A lipid panel is a fasting blood test in which the lab measures blood fat, cholesterol, and the levels of good and bad cholesterol.

How long do you fast for a blood sugar test?

I believe it varies depending on which test they are performing. Some test do not require fasting and others require fasting for about 6-8 hrs while others require 10-12 while some require more. When in doubt about which one it is ask your doctor or lab technician.

Ordered to take a fasting lab in two weeks daily pot smoker will drugs show up in blood tests?

usually when they want you to fast for a test, they are not testing for drugs. The dr has to ask for a drug screen, wich you wouldn't need to fast for anyway. A common test for fasting is glucose levels and cholesteral