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Q: What landmark Supreme Court case is this excerpt from?
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What is meant by the term "landmark case"?

a case in which the Supreme Court's decision greatly alters the interpretation of a law

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It is the basis for the excersie of judicial review

What are two major possible outcomes of a landmark US Supreme Court case?

There are more than two possible outcomes of a US Supreme Court case, regardless of whether the case is considered a landmark decision or not, but generally, the decision of the last court to hear the case (typically one of the US Court of Appeals Circuit Courts) will be either affirmed or reversed. There are subtle, but meaningful, variations that may apply, but essentially the Supreme Court will either agree with (affirm) or disagree with (reverse) the lower court ruling.

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McColloch v. Maryland

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maybury.vs madison

Which case is the excerpt most likely from?

This is from the Supreme Court case Plessy vs. Ferguson.

Why is Graham v conner?

Graham v Connor is a landmark court case. This Supreme Court case deals with police officers using excessive force in cases where they should not be.

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