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Q: What language has ch as k?
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Why does the ch sound like k?

It is thought to be due to historical phonetic changes in the Latin language that carried over into English. The "ch" sound comes from a soft "k" sound in words borrowed from Greek, while the hard "k" sound remains in native Germanic words.

How do you know if the ch sounds like k sh or tch?

You learn the exceptions as part of learning the language. The pronunciation can be found in any dictionary.



Is sigma Aldrich pronounced with the ch sound or the k sound?


Take a string consisting of 3 characters as input print all possible combinations of the string without repeating any character program in c?

#include<stdio.h> #include<string.h> void swap(char*,int); void gotoloop(char*,int); void main() { char *ch; int i,j,k,l; ch=(char*)malloc(20); //clrscr(); printf("Enter the string\n"); gets(ch); l=strlen(ch); gotoloop(ch,l); return; } void gotoloop(char *ch,int l) { int i,k; k=l; if(l<=1) return; for(i=0;i<k;i++) { swap(ch,k); l--; gotoloop(ch,l); l++; if(k==2) printf("\n%s ",ch); } } void swap(char *ch,int r) { char c; int i; c=ch[r-1]; for(i=r-1;i>0;i--) ch[i]=ch[i-1]; ch[0]=c; }

Why don't you provide the pronunciation of names of people like ehrlich is ch a k or a German ch?

Ehrlich - you pronounce the ch as "k" Well, maybe because this is the ENGLISH spelling and pronunciation subcategory, and the name Ehrlich is GERMAN.

In Medical terms CH is usually pronounce how?

In medical terminology, CH is usually pronounced like a "K".

What is the rule for ch making k sound as in the beginning of chamomile?

There is no rule. The pronunciation of ch depends on the origin of the word. For words with a Greek origin the ch is commonly pronounced as [k]. eg mechanics, chemistry For words with a French origin the ch is commonly pronounced as [sh] eg charade, machine Usually in English the ch is pronounced as [ch] eg chalk, church, much

What world starts with ch but sounds like k?


Words with 'ch' but sounds like 'k'?

trachea, mach

How do you pronounce Edvard Munch in English?

The ch is pronounced K.

What is the correct pronunciation of conch?

The correct pronunciation of "conch" is "kahnk" with a silent "c".