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Q: What language is the basis for most of the names of the time periods such as Hadean or Cretaceous?
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What language is the basis for romance languages?

Latin is the basis for the Romance languages, which include Italian, French, Spanish, Portuguese, and Romanian. These languages evolved from Latin as it mixed with local dialects in different regions of the Roman Empire.

What is the basis of the British language?

The "British language" is English.

Why do historians divide history into periods?

That is the only way they can record radical changes that separate periods.

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The basis for all language is to communicate

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Indo-European is the name of the language that is believed to have been the root of most modern languages spoken in Europe, South Asia, and Western Asia.

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Andhra Pradesh is the first State which was formed on the basis of language.

Which language come from the English language?

The Scots language has its basis in Old English (or "Inglis", as the Scottish people called it at the time). A number of pidgins and creoles also have their basis in English, but Scots is recognised as a separate language.

What language of Rome is the basis for all Romance languages?

The basis of the Romance languages is Latin.

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Devnagari script.

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Old Slavonic.

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