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Q: What languages could liszt speak?
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William Shakespeare could speak 4 different languages. English, Latin, French, and Italian were the languages that Shakespeare could speak fluently.

How many languages could speak?

I am capable of understanding and communicating in multiple languages.

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Sarah Brightman is known to speak English and French fluently. She could likely speak other languages to some extent, but these are the two known languages she is proficient in.

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He spoke 7 languages but i dont know what they were, sorry "/

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He probably could speak all languages.

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Shmuel can speak English, Yiddish, and a little bit of German.

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If you are saying How many languages did Mother Tressa speak then, She could speak fluently in English, Albanian, Serbo-Croat, Bengali, and Hindi.

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In "Flowers for Algernon," Strauss is said to speak several languages fluently, including French, German, Latin, and Spanish.

Which president spoke 4 languages?

Jefferson ,ohn Adams and John Q. Adams could speak at least three languages- maybe four. Garfield also knew several languages, but maybe not to speak.

Who can speak the largest number of languages?

Cardinal Giuseppe Caspar Mezzofanti, an Italian cardinal and famous linguist could speak 10 languages when he was 12, and 40 languages when he was 75. source :