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PS3 slim lasts longer. The PS3 slim uses less power and runs cooler. The cooler temperature always allows electronic components to last longer and that is one reason some use fans to help keep the temperature down.

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Q: What lasts longer PS3 slim or PS3 fat?
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What is noise PS3 fat or slim?

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Which gets hotter PS3 or PS3 slim?

The Fat PS3 uses more power than the Slim PS3 and will run much hotter

Can PS3 slim games play on the originL PS3?

Yes they can and they can also play on the new slim released in May 2010. They really are only PS3 games and not games for the slim or fat PS3

How can you tell if a PlayStation 3 is the Slim version?

In the box itself, the ps3 slim is smaller and has a white box. The ps3 'fat' normally has a black box and is a lot more heavy, as well as bigger. Out of the box, the ps3 slim has hard buttons that actually move when you press them. The 'fat' ps3 is just a touch sensor for the eject and power buttons. The ps3 slim has a dull look, and the ps3 'fat' has a glossy look.

Is PS3 silm better than PS3 fat?

Slim, doesn't overheat, quite, no smudging, lighter to move, though fat can play PS3 , PS2 games and PS2 slim can only play ps1 and ps3.

Should you get a PS3 slim or PS3 ultra slim?

PS3 Slim will soon be out of stock in retail stores so if you are going to get one now is the time. Just like when the Fat PS3 was replaced by the PS3 Slim. There where still models of Fat PS3 available at the stores until they sold out. Then they were sold new as collectibles. You can still purchase any PS3 in the collectible market still new in box

How many friends can you have on the PS3 slim?

The max is 100 for both the (PS3 slim and the fat PS3), it used to be 50 though. ,iiGrAviTy

What is better a PS3 or a PS3 slim?

It depends on what you want to do with your PS3, if you are looking to be able to play PS2 games, then you get a PS3 Fat, but if you only want it for PS3-related usage, you should definitely go for a slim.

What do you get PS3 slim or fat?

Get the Slim in 320 GB with Move bundle and full warranty and forget those outdated PS2 games that the first fat PS3 could play some of

Can a PS3 slim motherboard work with a PS3 fat?

lick it..!! ::P sorry i have no idea..!! :P