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Q: What laws did the Jews have under bondage in Egypt?
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Under colonial laws the children of slaves were?

Under colonial laws, the children of slaves were considered to be born into slavery themselves, regardless of the status of their parents. This practice ensured that slavery continued from generation to generation, perpetuating the system of bondage.

What was the name of the laws that stripped Jews of their rights and forbid non Jews from marrying Jews?

The Nuremberg Laws

What behaviors was made illegal under Germany's Nuremberg Laws?

The answer is... Jews marrying non-jewish Germans.

What kind of behavior was made illegal under Germany's Nuremberg Laws?

The answer is... Jews marrying non-jewish Germans.

How do Egyptians treat Jews these days?

These days, the Egyptians let Jewish in their country as equals, due to tourism laws. The Egyptian Jews were serially mistreated up to the point of their mass departure from Egypt in the early 1950s. Almost all Jews in Egypt are now tourists, but since many of those tourists come from Israel their money is better received than they are.

What LAWS did the Nuremberg laws include?

The Laws for the Protection of German Blood and German Honour 1: Marriages were no longer allowed between Jews and Germans. ( and those who were already married were forced to divorce) 2: Any sort of sexual relation was forbidden between German and Jews. 3: Jews were not allowed to employ Germans (Female) under the age of 45.

What were limits and laws made to limit the Jews freedom?

The 1935 Nuremberg Laws were created to limit the Jews freedom.

He delievered the Hebrew children from bondage?

According to the Torah, which person delievered God's laws to the ancient Hebrews?

Who benefited from Nuremberg laws?

The Nazis because the Nuremberg law effected the Jews they effected the Jews by -illegal Jews to marry German citizens -Jews wasn't allowed to have a German citizenship -Jewish people wasn't allow to hire woman under age 45 years old -sex between Germans and Jews was forbidden This was the law at the time along with other laws relating top discrimination of the jews. This helped the nazis to control germany

How are laws made in Egypt?

there god has all control over Egypt there fore he makes the laws and there is more then one god to Egyptian people

What was Saint Paul talking about when he said they were not under law?

The Jews had over 600 laws governing everything the Jews could do, eat, when to wash, etc. Saint Paul said that these were man made laws and following them would not get them to heaven. Only faith and good works would do that.

Put Nuremberg laws in a sentence?

The Nuremberg Laws were a set of antisemitic laws enacted by Nazi Germany in 1935, which stripped Jews of their citizenship and legal rights, leading to widespread discrimination and persecution.