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These are found in the basal layer of the dermis. There are two types of the pigment melanin: eumelanin, a group of dark brown (almost black) melanins and peomelanin, a group of reddish and orange melanins.

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Q: What layer consists of melanin granules and dendritic cells?
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What cells engulf antigens and present fragments of them on their own surfaces where they can be recognized by cells that will deal with them?

dendritic cells

Antigen presenting cell?

Antigen-presenting cells display foreign antigens on the cell surface with the hopes of T cells noticing recognizing these complexes. The cells that do this on a routine basis are called Professional APC's. This group consists of dendritic cells, macrophages, B-cells, and certain activated epithelial cells.

Where is melanin located in the skin?

Melanocytes are pigment cells that synthesize melanin. These cells inject the melanin pigment in the living keratinocytes cells (skin cells) of the stratum basale layer of the epidermis. Note: The Melanocyte cells also reside in the stratum basale.

Are Macrophages and Dendritic cell the same?

Both macrophages and dendritic cells are formed from the same precursor cell, the monocytes. However, the two cells serve different functions during an infection. Macrophages remain in the area of the infection and phagocytosis (engulf) foreign invaders and dead cells. Dendritic cells leave the infected tissue and travel to local lymph tissue in order to alert the adaptive immune system.

What is the function of the melanocytes?

- A cell of the statum basale of the epidermis that synthesizes melanin and transfers it to the keratinocytes.- Any of the dendritic clear cells of the epidermis that synthesize tyrosinase and, within their melanosomes, the pigment melanin; the melanosomes are then transferred from melanocytes to keratinocytes.

Related questions

Where in the hair are pigment granules found?

Pigment granules, which determine hair color, are found in the cortex layer of the hair shaft. They are produced by cells called melanocytes and are responsible for producing melanin, which gives hair its color.

What are epidermal dendritic cells?

Langerhans cells

What composes eight percent of epidermal cells?

Melanocytes (melano-=black) these cells also produce granules which secrete a lipid-rich product that helps waterproof the skin. Melanocytes comprise about 8% if the epidermal cells and produce and secrete the pigment melanin.

What is the advantage for melanin granules being located in the deep layer of the epidermis?

Having melanin granules located in the deep layer of the epidermis provides better protection against UV radiation, as it helps to absorb and scatter harmful rays before they reach the underlying layers of skin cells. This reduces the risk of DNA damage and subsequent mutations that can lead to skin cancer.

Which of these does not belong Langerhans cells epidermal dendritic cells keratinocytes immune cells?

Keratinocytes do not belong, as they are the primary cells found in the epidermis that produce the protein keratin and serve a structural role in the skin, while the other three are immune cells involved in the skin's immune defense system.

What are Haematochrome granules?

Haematochrome granules are pigment granules found in certain cells, such as phagocytes, that contain iron and give the cells a reddish-brown color. These granules are involved in processes like the storage of iron and the degradation of red blood cells in the body.

Which cell is known as antigen presenting cell?

Dendritic cells,macrophages, B cells

What cells engulf antigens and present fragments of them on their own surfaces where they can be recognized by cells that will deal with them?

dendritic cells

What is melanin synthesis?

It is preparation of melanin in body cells , it is under hormonal control .

What cells produce keratin and melanin?

Keratinocytes or squamous cells produce keratin and Melanocytes produce melanin, pigment.

Do eukaryotic cells have inclusions?

Yes, eukaryotic cells can have inclusions, which are non-membrane-bound structures found in the cytoplasm. Inclusions can store nutrients, pigments, or waste products, and provide a specialized function within the cell. Examples include glycogen granules in liver cells and lipid droplets in adipocytes.

Antigen presenting cell?

Antigen-presenting cells display foreign antigens on the cell surface with the hopes of T cells noticing recognizing these complexes. The cells that do this on a routine basis are called Professional APC's. This group consists of dendritic cells, macrophages, B-cells, and certain activated epithelial cells.