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Q: What layer contains clouds of dust?
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Which cloud contains layers?

Stratospheric layer contains clouds. It also contains ozone.

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What is the lowest layer of the atmosphere it contains clouds and smog?

The Troposphere

Clouds of gas and dust form a fuzzy outer layer called a?

Oort cloud

What layer of the atmosphere contains dust water vapor and seventy five percent of all gases?

Dust, water vapor etc are in troposphere. It is the closest layer.

Why does dust stick to clouds?

Dust sticks to clouds, because of electricity.

What has no definable shape is the youngest of the three and contains stars forming within clouds of dust and gas?

A stellar nursery.

Which layer contain weather?

The layer of the atmosphere that contains weather is the troposphere. It is the lowest layer of the atmosphere where temperature decreases with increasing altitude and where most weather phenomena occur, including clouds, precipitation, and wind.

Which layer of the atmosphere contains most of clouds?

Troposphere contains nearly all of the atmosphere's clouds. This is for 2 reasons: first, almost all water vapor is contained in this layer. Second, the air is inherently unstable, since it is warmest at the bottom. The causes the air to always want to rise, creating clouds under the right conditions.

What is between the troposphere and the stratosphere?

troposphere:- The troposphere contains particles of dust which serve as nuclear centers for the formation of clouds. There is decrease of temperature with a mean rate of about 6.40C per km. it is from 0 to 15 kilometers. it has more air and has many clouds. Stratosphere No visible weather phenomena take place in this layer In this layer the temperature does not change with stratosphere it is from 15 km to 50 km. there is very little air and jet aeroplanes fly in this layer.

What best describes the composition of a nebula as the Crab Nebula?

clouds of dust and gas