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The troposphere is the portion of the atmosphere closest to earth. It is below the stratosphere.

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Q: What layer in the atmosphere is the top portion of the troposphere?
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What layer in the atmosphere is in the top portion of the troposphere?

The troposphere is the portion of the atmosphere closest to earth. It is below the stratosphere.

Do I live in the layer of the atmosphere called the stratosphere?

Yes, we all live in the troposphere. It is the lowest level of the atmosphere. The height top of it varies over the Earth. The maximum height is about 11 miles.

What are the layers of the atmosphere of mars?

There are three layers; The troposphere, first layer. The Mesosphere, middle. and the Exosphere, top layer.

In which layer of the atmosphere does weather occur?

About 80% of the total mass of the atmosphere is contained in troposphere.It is also the layer where the majority of our weather occurs. Maximum air temperature also occurs near the Earth's surface in this layer.Most all weather occurs in the troposphere. This is the top layer of the atmosphere.

In which layer is the pressuer the highest?

The troposphere is the layer of the earth's atmosphere with the highest air pressure. This is because the troposphere is the layer closest to the Earth's surface. As a result, the air is quite dense in the troposphere. As pressure is directly proportional to density, it means that the atmospheric pressure would be greatest in the troposphere.

What is the Top portion of troposphere?

Tropopoause!!! :)

What is top portion of troposphere?

Tropopoause!!! :)

What are the charged particles found in top layer of the earths atmosphere?

exosphere, ionosphere, thermosphere, mesosphere, ozonosphere, stratosphere, and troposphere.

Why does temperature decrese as you go higher in altitude?

The hotter temperatures in the troposphere (layer of atmosphere closest to the earth's surface) are near the surface of the earth The colder temperatures are at the top of the troposphere.

What is second major layer of earths atmosphere?

From on top of us: Troposphere, Stratosphere, Mesosphere, Thermosphere, Exosphere.

Which layer of the atmosphere is the highest?


What runs on the top of the troposphere?

That would be the 2nd layer, the stratosphere layer with the ozone at top.