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A:All layers of the atmosphere contribute to the greenhouse effect.

Water vapour is a contributor to the natural greenhouse effect, although it is unlikely to have a substantial bearing on the enhanced greenhouse efffect that we are now experiencing. Water vapour is present in the lower atmosphere, but the upper atmosphere is too cold for water vapour. Other greenhouse gases are present from the troposphere to the stratosphere.

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Most of the greenhouse effect occurs in the troposphere.

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The troposphere is responsible. It is because it traps all greenhouse gases.

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Q: What layer is most responsible for the green house effect?
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What keep things warm?

if you mean in the earth like why doesnt space make us cold its 2 things the atmosphere and the green house effect the green house effect is well like the green house it captures heat and keeps it in earth and the atmosphere is a thin layer of gases surrounding the earth formed my volcanoes and other things it keeps in water oxygen we need to live and the ozone in it keeps out harmful rays

Are green house gas emissions good?

No, they are causing a hole in the Ozone Layer.

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No, it absorbs UV radiation and 0.000015% of a fully scale Gamma ray. heating that layer of the stratosphere and constantly causing "stratospheric meltdown". This is also know as Green House effect, all related to simple science. Too much heat on the stratosphere causes pollution, which brings us back to Green House effect.

What is the ozone conspiracy?

The zone layer conspiracy is basically the nuclear testing and the effects of green house gasses on the ozone layer.