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Q: What layer of Earth and interior where convection currents occur?
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Heat from the earth's interior causes convection currents in which layer of earth?

Convection currents in the magma drive plate tectonics.Heat generated from the radioactive decay of elements deep in the interior of the Earth creates magma (molten rock) in the aesthenosphere.

What layer of Earth can you find convection currents?

Convection currents occur in the mantle of the earth. They can affect the crust and the life above it, though.

What is the mechanical layer of earth that has the most active convection's currents?

The Earth's core.

What is the mechanical layer of Earth that has the most active convection currents?

The Earth's core.

What is the mechanical layer of earths that has the most active convection currents?

The Earth's core.

Where does heat transfer by convection currents take place in the earths interior?

Heat transfer by convection currents takes place in the Earth's mantle, which is a layer below the crust and above the core. The mantle is composed of hot, flowing rock that undergoes convection due to heat from the Earth's core. This movement of the mantle drives tectonic plate movement on the Earth's surface.

The layer in which convection currents move?

Convection currents move in the Mantle.

Which layer of the earth contains convection currents that move the tectonic plates?

The upper mantle contains convection currents that move the tectonic plates.

Which layer of earth are the convection currents that directly result in tectonic plate motion found?


What are convection currents and in which layer do they occur?


What do scientists that convection currents flow through?

Scientists believe that convection currents flow through the Earth's mantle, which is the layer of hot, flowing rock beneath the Earth's crust. These currents are driven by heat from the Earth's core and cause the movement of tectonic plates at the surface.

What are convection currents in a mantle?

The asthenosphere is the layer of the Earth directly below the brittle lithosphere, made of solid rock with a small percentage of melt, which is under tremendous pressure and temperature conditions. It performs and moves in a ductile fashion (highly viscous) even though it is considered rock, and does not break while under stress, but can move due to convection currents of heat arising from Earth's interior.