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Q: What layer of atmosphere contains most of the water vapor?
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What layer of the earth's atmosphere contains no water vapor?

The stratosphere contains almost no water vapor.

10. Which layer in the atmosphere contains the most water vapor and gases?


Which temperature zone of the earths atmosphere contains the most vapor?

The Troposhere has the most water vapor then any other layer in the atmosphere.

What layer of the atmosphere contains dust water vapor and seventy five percent of all gases?

Dust, water vapor etc are in troposphere. It is the closest layer.

What layer contains the most water vapor?

the layer (of the earth) that contains the most water vapor is the troposphere

What layer of the atmosphere contains almost the most water vapor in the air?

They are found in the troposphere. This is because both water vapor and carbon dioxide are cycled through the atmosphere and the earth. Therefore, their atmospheric components come directly from the earth/ocean which means they will be found in the layer of atmosphere closest to the ground.

How do aircraft damage the ozone layer?

Consuming oxygen that took months to diffuse to that level, adding water vapor to the atmosphere (water vapor depletes ozone), and heating the atmosphere a little bit, which lets more water vapor cross over into the ozone layer.

What is the atmospheric layer containing measurable amounts of water?

The atmospheric layer containing water is troposphere. It contains water vapor.

What layer of the atmosphere is closest from the earth?

The troposphere is the layer closest to the Earth.

What does the troposphere contain?

The troposphere is the lowest layer of the Earth's atmosphere, extending about 8-15 kilometers above the Earth's surface. It primarily contains air and is where weather phenomena occur. The troposphere also contains various gases, such as nitrogen, oxygen, carbon dioxide, water vapor, and trace amounts of other gases.

Which layer of atmosphere contains most water vapors and gas?


A whitish sky is evidence that the atmosphere contains?

A mixture of particle sizes