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Outer space has no ozone. Intergalactic space has plenty of O5+ (missing five electrons, out there too), indicating it was blown off of very hot stars... and is still too hot to form molecules. Earth's exosphere has very tiny amounts of ozone at lower altitudes, trending towards zero at "infinity".

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Q: What layer of outerspace contains the most ozone?
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What is the atmospheric layer that contains the most ozone?

The layer of atmosphere that contains the maximum ozone is stratopshere. It contains most of the ozone in the form of ozone layer.

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The ozone layer contains most of the ozone. It is present in the stratospheric region.The stratosphere contains most of the ozone.If that's what you were asking...

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Stratosphere is the layer of atmosphere. It contains the ozone layer. Ozone is the blanket on earth.

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Stratosphere contains most ozone. It is in the form of ozone layer.

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See "In what layer of the atmosphere do you find the ozone layer?" in the "Related questions" section below.

What atmosphere contains the most ozone?

Stratosphere contains them most ozone. It is present as ozone layer.

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The stratosphere region of the atmosphere contains most of the ozone. It is in the form of pool of ozone molecules called the ozone layer.

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Stratosphere contains most of the ozone. It is present as ozone layer.

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The lower stratosphere contains a CONCENTRATED amount of ozone. However, all parts of the atmosphere contain SOME ozone.

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It is called ozone layer. It contains most of the ozone layer.

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The stratospheric region of atmosphere contains most of the ozone. It is present as ozone layer.