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The hypodermis contains subcutaneous fat.

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Q: What lies upon the subcutaneous layer?
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Related questions

Which layer of the skin stores fat?

subcutaneous layer. its the third layer of skin made up of adipose tissue (fat) which is made up of adipocytes. it lies benath the dermis which lies beneath the epidermis, your outermost layer of skin.

How far under the skin is subcutaneous tissue?

The subcutaneous tissue is a layer of tissue that lies immediately below the dermis of vertebrate skin. This is a connective tissue layer.Ê

Which layer of skinstores fat?

The subcutaneous layer of skin stores fat. The subcutaneous layer is the third layer from the epidermis, which is the outside layer.

The fatty layer of skin that stores energy?

The Subcutaneous Layer

What layer of skin reduces heat loss?

the subcutaneous layer..or the fatty tissue layer underneath the dermis

The subcutaneous injection delivers medication into which layer of the skin?

Subcutaneous means under the skin. It does not deliver medication to any layer of the skin.

What layer of skin has nerves and blood vessels?

Also known as the subcutaneous layer or the sub-dermis. It is called Submucosa.

What layers of the skin are blood vessels found?

the subcutaneous layer (hypodermis)

What is the name of the subcutaneous tissue just below the skin?

The subcutaneous layer is the hypodermis.

Is a subcutaneous injection made into the fatty layer just below the skin?

Yes, a subcutaneous injection is made into fatty layer below the skin.

What is the last layer of skin starting with the letter s?

subcutaneous layer

Which layer of the skin has blood vessels?

The epidermis.