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Q: What layer of the atmosphere traps infrared heat radiation?
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Which gas traps the most infrared radiation in Earth's atmosphere?

The most important are water vapors.

What is one purpose that the atmosphere serves?

The atmosphere serves to block many harmful waves radiating from outer space. It also traps some infrared radiation which warms the earth.

What is the process in which the atmosphere traps infrared rays?

its the greenhouse effect

The name of the process by which the atmosphere traps infrared rays is the?

Greenhouse effect

What layer in the atmosphere traps heat?

the troposphere

Explain why carbon dioxide is called a greenhouse gas.?

A greenhouse gas is a gas that absorbs infrared radiation, traps heat in the atmosphere, and contributes to the greenhouse effect. Carbon dioxide, methane and chlorofluorocarbons are examples of greenhouse gases.

A gas or vapor that traps infrared radiation instead of allowing it to escape through the atmospheres called a?

greenhouse gas

Why is Venus a greenhouse planet?

Less than a quarter of the sunlight falling on venus reaches the surface. Light that gets through the clouds warms the ground which, in turn, releases the heat in the form of infrared radiation. Like glass trapping heat in a green house, the atmosphere traps the infrared radiation, so the temperature on Venus builds up and is always very hot

Which layer in the atmosphere traps all the heat?

I think its the thermoshere or the it and let me know

How does the Greenhouse Effect keep the earth warmer than it would be without the presence of greenhouse gasses in the atmosphere?

Greenhouse gases are transparent to visible light, but opaque to infrared radiation. Light arrives at the planet Earth during the day from the sun, and warms the planet. The planet then cools off at night by radiating infrared radiation into space. If greenhouse gases intercept that infrared radiation, they are acting like a blanket, to hold in the world's heat.

Why does CO2 destroy the atmosphere?

It doesn't really "destroy the atmosphere", Carbon Dioxide traps solar radiation, if there is too much solar radiation being trapped, then the earth becomes much hotter, hence global warming.

Which of the Major gases traps heat?

Heat trapping gases absorb infrared radiation. Three of the major gases that trap heat are carbon dioxide, water vapor and methane.