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Q: What layer of the earth produces its magnetic filed?
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Which layer of the earth produces its magnetic field?

The earth's outer core produces the magnetic field.

What is the layer in which the magnetic field of the Earth is produced?

The outer liquid core produces the strong magnetic field of the Earth, through the dynamo effect.

What is the layer of the earth with the magnetic field?

The Outer Core

What layer of the earth is believed to control the Earth's magnetic field?

inner core

What layer in the earth is the magnetic field produced?


What layer of the earth produces dynamo effect?

The Outer Core

What protects the earth from suns harmful rays?

The Ozone layer of the earth protects the earth from the harmful UV radiations of the sun.

Which layer of the earth spins giving us a magnetic field?

The entire Earth spins. No layer has a rotation rate the differs significantly from the rest of the planet. If any layer did the results would be catastrophic. The magnetic field is the result of convection currents in the outer core.

Which layer produce and comnducts electricity due to its high iron content and the earth spinning?

The Earth's outer core produces electricity caused by abundance of iron. The Earth rotates and as it does that the iron generates high electric currents that then produce electricity. That also can generate magnetic fields.

What causes the lights?

The Sun's magnetic field produces charged particles and these charged particles are usually radiated out into space. Sometimes these charged particles may be caught in Earth's magnetic field and as they enter the upper atmosphere of Earth, they are in contact with other gases in the upper atmosphere and emit light and colors. The solar wind reacts to the Earth's magnetic field and then spreads across the ionosphere (the upper, charged layer of our atmosphere).

The dynamo theory states that Earth's magnetic field is created in the layer known as the?


The dynamo theory states that Earth's magnetic field is created in the layer known as the .?
