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Q: What lead is also called bipolar?
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What is Manic depressive disorder also called?

Bipolar disorder

What is the difference between bipolar and unipolar leads?

I believe that a unipolar lead is one with a single lead while a bipolar lead is one with multiple or 2 or more leads.

Does the recreational use of alcohol affect bipolar disorder?

Yes, when someone is in the depressed phase of Bipolar Disorder it can make the depression worse. When someone is in the manic phase it can lead to them being more impulsive and lead to taking greater risks than either alcohol alone, or mania alone. Also alcohol can interact with many of the medications used to treat Bipolar illness adversely. It should also be noted that people with Bipolar disorder will often self medicate with alcohol and other non-prescribed drugs when not adequately being treated. The degree of ones Bipolar illness will also be a determining factor in how much alcohol will affect one with Bipolar Disorder.

What is opposite of bipolar disorder?

Bipolar depression refers to frequent mood changes between depression and mania, the focal point of Unipolar depression is the negative emotions and feelings that an affected individual experiences. The unipolar indicates that the depression does not alter between the two mood states.

What is the drug called depokote?

Depakote is an antipsychotic, mood stabilizer. They mainly describe it for Bipolar Disorder/Schizophrenia. It's almost related to Lithium which is also for Bipolar Disorder/Schizophrenia.

What does bi-poplar mean?

Did you mean Bipolar, this is a mental illness which is also known as a mood disorder. Its called bi which refers to TWO and polar referring polarity so two polarity, hence we have bipolar 1 n bipolar 2. A person wit bipolar 1 displays severe mood swings n mania with mild depression. A person with bipolar 2 displays severe depression with mild mania, there is also cyclothymic bipolar which is a border line bipolar that often goes undiagnosed

Is there another term for bipolar?

If you are referring to bipolar disorder, it used to be called manic-depression.

What is Bipolar disorder also called?

Bipolar disorder, formerly called manic depression, is a mental health condition that causes extreme mood swings that include emotional highs (mania or hypomania) and lows (depression).

Does bipolar cause suicide?

It can lead to it. One aspect of being bipolar is that the depression can be so severe, and you don't really understand why and everything seems hopeless.

Does bipolar lead to other disorders?

Bipolar disorder does not cause other disorders. However, people with bipolar disorder have an increased risk of simultaneously having or developing other mental disorders or substance dependence problems.

Can bipolar lead to suicidal toughts?

Of course. Bipolar disorder is characterized by swings in mood, including mania and depression. Both extreme moods can lead to suicidal thoughts in patients. During extreme mania, bipolar patients can experience hallucinations. For example, they may think someone or something is telling them to kill themselves. Extreme Depression can obviously lead to suicidal thoughts. It is estimated that if left untreated, a person with bipolar disorder is 5 times more likely to commit suicide.

Do you recommend a high school student with bipolar disorder to get their GED if they are having trouble in school?

Not until various medications have had an adequate trial. Many people with Bipolar disorder can lead productive lives with the help of medications and therapy. Education about the disorder can also be quite helpful.