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Q: What leads from the oval window to the apex of the cochlea?
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What do the mechanoreceptors in your cochlea respond to?

Cilia and fluid in your cochlea respond to the vibration of oval window. Fluid vibrates between your oval and round window.

What is the membrane window at the entrance to the ear's cochlea?

Oval window

What does a oval window in your ear lead to?

the cochlea.:)

What converts pressure waves in the cochlea into nerve impulses?

Oval window creates pressure waves in the cochlea

What part of the ear transfers sound vibrations to the cochlea?

the oval window

The part of the ear that transfers sound vibrations to the cochlea is the?

Tympanic membrane --> malleus --> incus --> stapes --> oval window --> cochlea

What is located across from the oval window between the semicircular canals and the cochlea?


Where can you find the oval and round window?

The round window is one of the two openings into the cochlea of the inner ear. It is closed off from the middle ear by the round window membrane, which vibrates with opposite phase to vibrations entering the cochlea through the oval window. It allows fluid in the cochlea to move, which in turn ensures that hair cells of the basilar membrane will be stimulated and that audition will occur.

What is the function of the oval window?

Function The stapes bone transmits movement to the oval window. As the oval window membrane moves in, the round window membrane moves out, and this allows movement of the fluid within the cochlea, leading to movement of the cochlear inner hair cells and thus hearing. If the round window were to be absent or rigidly fixed (as can happen in some congenital abnormalities), the oval window would be pushing incompressible fluid against the unyielding walls of the cochlea. It would therefore not move to any useful degree leading to a hearing loss of about 60dB. This is, unsurprisingly, the same as for conditions where the stapes itself is fixed, such as otosclerosis. i hope this helps:)

The oval window is connected directly to which passageway?

cochlea *scala vestibuli* and the round window is directly connected to the scala tympani (where sound dissipates)"The scala vestibuli is continuous with the vestibule near the base of the cochlea, where it abuts the oval window."From: Human Anatomy, 5th Edition Marieb, Mallatt, and Wilhelm

What part of the ear is situated between the semicircular canals and the cochlea?

A small, oval chamber called the vestibule lies between the semicircular canals and the cochlea. It contains the utricle and the saccule along with parts of the vestibular labyrinth. An oval window is on its lateral wall.

What causes the cochlea to vibrate?

The inner ear is a snail-shaped structure called the cochlea, which is filled with fluid. When the oval window vibrates, it causes the fluid in the cochlea to vibrate. This fluid surrounds a membrane running through the middle of the cochlea called the basilar membrane. The answer of your question is the Basilar Membrane.