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internal conflict and infighting with tribal factions in the Mississippian society

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Monserrate Heidenrei...

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Q: What led to the downfall of Great Society programs?
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What led most directly to increased government involvement with regulating business and its dealings with society?

The Great Depression

How did the great awakening and the enlightenment influence colonial society?


What was the effect of the Great Awakening on the colonies?

It led to new ways of thinking about religion among colonies

What were the effects of the Great Society programs?

The Great Society was a war on poverty and was led by Lyndon B Johnson. There were several things involved in the Great Society :a. Higher Education Act which allowed more students to attend college from things such as Pell Grants and loans, etc.b. It also included the Water Quality Act which started the testing of water for pollutants and bacteria in the water.c. The Air Quality Act also set standards for industrial and auto emissions.d. The Civil Rights Act outlawed segregation in all public places and facilities.e. Elementary and Secondary Education Act (1965) wanted federal money to be given to bring all schools up to a code and for all schools to have the same quality education. The money was also used for libraries and new technology, special education, adult education, etc.f. The Medical Care Act (1965) was a compulsory system. Each pay check was docked to provide medical care for the elderly and the young.g. The National Endowment For the Arts and Humanities promoted creativity; PBS was born from this programh. The Model Cities Act (1966) made it so the cities could apply for federal aid to clean up slumsi. Head Start programs as well as CAP and VISTA was also created.The US now had a form of a welfare system. Poverty levels declined (In 1973, only 11% of the population was under the poverty line). It divided the Democratic Party (Southern democrats were angry about the new Civil Rights Act and started to turn conservative). This plan also created a budget deficit because the U.S could not afford both Vietnam and the Great Society.The Great Society led to dramatic improvements in health and welfare for the elderly and poor. It also narrowed the economic gap between whites and blacks.

What impacts did the Second Great Awakening have on American Society?

The Second Great Awakening had a profound effect on American society in the early 19th century. It was a religious revival that spread throughout the country and it had far-reaching consequences that impacted various aspects of society. Below are some of the impacts that it had: It led to the growth of many new denominations such as the Baptists Methodists and Presbyterians. It sparked a period of religious fervor as people sought to convert others to their faith. It allowed for the spread of religious ideas such as the belief in a personal relationship with God. It encouraged people to become involved in social reform such as the abolition of slavery. It helped to shape the values of the American people as many of the ideas espoused during the Second Great Awakening have been incorporated into the American psyche.The Second Great Awakening had a significant impact on American society and its effects are still felt today. Its legacy can be seen in the religious landscape of the United States as well as in the values that many Americans hold dear.

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Archaeologist believe that internal conflict and infighting with tribal factions in the Mississippian society led to its downfall.

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What event led to the practice governing assisting the ill and the neglected?

The Great Depression led to the government creating social programs that assisted the ill and neglected. The creation of these social programs were called the New Deal.

Did Cleopatra help Marc Antony's downfall?

Cleopatra was the main contributor to Marc Antony's downfall. She lured him to Alexandria and through extravagance and luxury manipulated him into a favorable alliance for her. As events turned out, this led to the downfall of both Antony and Cleopatra herself.Cleopatra was the main contributor to Marc Antony's downfall. She lured him to Alexandria and through extravagance and luxury manipulated him into a favorable alliance for her. As events turned out, this led to the downfall of both Antony and Cleopatra herself.Cleopatra was the main contributor to Marc Antony's downfall. She lured him to Alexandria and through extravagance and luxury manipulated him into a favorable alliance for her. As events turned out, this led to the downfall of both Antony and Cleopatra herself.Cleopatra was the main contributor to Marc Antony's downfall. She lured him to Alexandria and through extravagance and luxury manipulated him into a favorable alliance for her. As events turned out, this led to the downfall of both Antony and Cleopatra herself.Cleopatra was the main contributor to Marc Antony's downfall. She lured him to Alexandria and through extravagance and luxury manipulated him into a favorable alliance for her. As events turned out, this led to the downfall of both Antony and Cleopatra herself.Cleopatra was the main contributor to Marc Antony's downfall. She lured him to Alexandria and through extravagance and luxury manipulated him into a favorable alliance for her. As events turned out, this led to the downfall of both Antony and Cleopatra herself.Cleopatra was the main contributor to Marc Antony's downfall. She lured him to Alexandria and through extravagance and luxury manipulated him into a favorable alliance for her. As events turned out, this led to the downfall of both Antony and Cleopatra herself.Cleopatra was the main contributor to Marc Antony's downfall. She lured him to Alexandria and through extravagance and luxury manipulated him into a favorable alliance for her. As events turned out, this led to the downfall of both Antony and Cleopatra herself.Cleopatra was the main contributor to Marc Antony's downfall. She lured him to Alexandria and through extravagance and luxury manipulated him into a favorable alliance for her. As events turned out, this led to the downfall of both Antony and Cleopatra herself.

Why is the great society's considered to be mixed?

It was part of the warren court stutitional organization

What were the strengths of the great society?

The Great Society programs initiated by President Lyndon B. Johnson in the 1960s aimed to combat poverty and inequality in the United States. Its strengths included the creation of Medicare and Medicaid to provide healthcare for the elderly and low-income individuals, the Civil Rights Act of 1964 to address racial discrimination, and the War on Poverty which led to programs like Head Start and Food Stamps to help those in need.

What event led to the practice of government assisting the ill and the neglected?

The Great Depression led to the government creating social programs that assisted the ill and neglected. The creation of these social programs were called the New Deal.