

Great Society

The Great Society was a war on poverty led by Lyndon B Johnson. It involved many public programs to better society and help bring the American population out of poverty.

325 Questions

Who and what were the major philosophical influences to Johnson's Great Society?

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President Lyndon B. Johnson's Great Society was influenced by the philosophy of social welfare and economic equality. Major influences included the New Deal policies of President Franklin D. Roosevelt, the civil rights movement led by figures such as Martin Luther King Jr., and the ideas of intellectuals like John Kenneth Galbraith. Johnson sought to address poverty and racial injustice through government intervention and social programs.

Which of these were not helped by the Great Society A.Broadcasters who wanted to put on educational television and radio programs B.Reporters who wanted to learn more about government decisions C.S?

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Reporters who wanted to learn more about government decisions were not directly helped by the Great Society programs. The Great Society primarily aimed to combat poverty and racial injustice through initiatives like Medicare, Medicaid, education funding, and civil rights legislation. The programs under the Great Society were more focused on social welfare and economic development rather than providing resources for government reporting or media transparency.

Who benefited from social programs in president johnsons great society?

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The Great Society social programs signed by President Johnson in the 1960s aimed to benefit marginalized and low-income populations, including individuals and families living in poverty, the elderly, children, and people with disabilities. These programs included Medicare, Medicaid, Head Start, and the Food Stamp Act, among others, designed to improve access to healthcare, education, and financial assistance for those in need.

Which primary areas did president Johnson s great society seek to address?

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President Johnson's Great Society sought to address poverty, racial injustice, and access to quality education and healthcare. The initiative aimed to create a more just and equitable society through programs like Medicare, Medicaid, and the Civil Rights Act of 1964.

What are the best description of the great society?

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The Great Society was a set of domestic programs and policies initiated by President Lyndon B. Johnson in the 1960s to eliminate poverty and racial injustice in the United States. It included initiatives such as Medicare, Medicaid, and the Civil Rights Act of 1964 aimed at improving the quality of life for all Americans. Despite facing criticism, it is credited with expanding social welfare programs and promoting civil rights.

Were there difference in the goals of the new frontier and the great society?

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The New Frontier, introduced by President Kennedy, emphasized civil rights, economic prosperity, and space exploration. The Great Society, implemented by President Johnson, aimed to eliminate poverty and racial injustice through social welfare programs like Medicare and Medicaid. While both focused on progress and social reform, the Great Society had a more expansive approach to addressing social issues.

What is great society significant for?

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The Great Society was significant for being a set of domestic programs initiated by President Lyndon B. Johnson in the 1960s aimed at eliminating poverty and racial injustice in the United States. It included programs like Medicare, Medicaid, and civil rights legislation that had a lasting impact on American society.

What was added to the social security system as part of the president Lyon b Johnson great society?

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President Lyndon B. Johnson's Great Society initiatives expanded the Social Security system by creating Medicare, a federal health insurance program for Americans aged 65 and older, as well as Medicaid, which provides health coverage for low-income individuals and families. These programs aimed to improve access to healthcare services and reduce poverty among vulnerable populations.

Were there differences in the goals of the new frontier and the great society?

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Yes, there were differences in the goals of the New Frontier and the Great Society. The New Frontier aimed to promote social and economic reforms, expand civil rights, and advance space exploration under President Kennedy. The Great Society, under President Johnson, focused on fighting poverty, improving education, advancing civil rights, and healthcare reforms, and expanding social welfare programs.

What was helped by the great society?

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senators who wanted less government

Who benefitted from the social programs of president Johnson's great society?

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The Great Society programs of President Johnson benefited a wide range of individuals, including low-income families, elderly individuals, children, and individuals with disabilities. These programs aimed to address poverty, improve access to healthcare, expand education opportunities, and protect civil rights. Overall, the Great Society initiatives aimed to create a more equitable society by providing support to those in need.

Why is the great society's considered to be mixed?

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It was part of the warren court stutitional organization

What primary areas did President Johnson's Great Society seek to address?

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The Great Society aimed to address poverty, racial injustice, and access to healthcare and education. It included initiatives such as Medicare, Medicaid, the Civil Rights Act, and the War on Poverty.

What effect does distribution have on society?

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Distribution of resources, wealth, and opportunities can have a significant impact on social inequality and overall well-being in society. Unequal distribution can lead to disparities in access to education, healthcare, and other essential services, further widening the gap between the rich and the poor. Fair and equitable distribution can help promote social justice, economic stability, and sustainable development.

How did Tommy Douglas help society?

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Tommy Douglas helped society by introducing universal healthcare in Canada as Premier of Saskatchewan, laying the foundation for the national healthcare system. He also championed workers' rights, social welfare programs, and equality for all citizens. His efforts improved the quality of life for many Canadians and set a precedent for progressive social policies.

What makes a society great?

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A great society is one that values equality, justice, and opportunity for all its members. It promotes education, innovation, and tolerance, and strives to improve the well-being of its citizens. Collaboration, empathy, and respect for diversity are also key components of a great society.

What is indicipline?

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Indiscipline refers to a lack of control or disregard for rules and order. It can manifest as disobedience, rebellion, or a failure to follow guidelines or expectations in various settings, such as school, work, or personal life.

What programs are asociated with the great society?

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The Great Society programs were introduced by President Lyndon B. Johnson in the 1960s and included initiatives such as Medicare, Medicaid, the Civil Rights Act of 1964, the Voting Rights Act of 1965, and the War on Poverty. These programs aimed to address issues of poverty, civil rights, education, and healthcare in the United States.

What were the strengths of the great society?

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The Great Society programs initiated by President Lyndon B. Johnson in the 1960s aimed to combat poverty and inequality in the United States. Its strengths included the creation of Medicare and Medicaid to provide healthcare for the elderly and low-income individuals, the Civil Rights Act of 1964 to address racial discrimination, and the War on Poverty which led to programs like Head Start and Food Stamps to help those in need.

What was one lasting effect of the Great Society?

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One lasting effect of the Great Society was the establishment of programs like Medicare and Medicaid, which provided healthcare to millions of Americans. These programs continue to support vulnerable populations and have become integral parts of the American social safety net.

Name two laws that were passed as part of the great society and explain the purpose of each law?

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  1. The Civil Rights Act of 1964 prohibited discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, or national origin and aimed to end segregation and ensure equal rights.
  2. The Medicare Act of 1965 established a health insurance program for Americans aged 65 and older, providing access to affordable medical care for senior citizens.

What was the lasting effect of the Great Society?

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The lasting effect of the Great Society was the creation of landmark social programs such as Medicare, Medicaid, and Head Start, which continue to provide support to millions of Americans in need today. The Great Society also sparked national conversations on civil rights, poverty, and education that influenced future policy decisions and shaped the priorities of subsequent administrations.

What great society programs were established to improve society?

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The Great Society programs, introduced by President Lyndon B. Johnson in the 1960s, included initiatives such as Medicare, Medicaid, and Head Start, aimed at addressing poverty, inequality, and improving access to healthcare and education. These programs sought to create a more equitable and prosperous society by providing assistance to vulnerable populations and expanding social welfare services.

What items does almost every society have?

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All societies have had:

  • people
  • "thinkers" vs. "doers"; leaders and followers
  • a type of "religion" or a set of beliefs in a "power bigger than humans" (could have been pagan beliefs or more religious beliefs)
  • "levels" of people (rich vs. poor, haves vs. have-nots)
  • contact with animals or fish
  • relationships and human contact (not sexual)
  • sexual reproduction, continuation of mankind
  • places that people lived (caves, houses, villages, communities)
  • the need for food and water
  • places people kept animals and foods such as grains
  • farming or gathering of food
  • conflicts (personal or national, e.g. internal war) and eventual resolutions
  • a government or ruling body
  • a set of laws or rules
  • a form or way of raising money, e.g. "taxes"
  • a form of accepted and recognized currency
  • different forms of occupations
  • a form of trade (bartering)
  • a form of commerce (buying, selling)
  • conflict.

What were the results of the Great Society?

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The Great Society, introduced by President Lyndon B. Johnson in the 1960s, resulted in the establishment of social welfare programs such as Medicare and Medicaid, increased funding for education, and the passage of civil rights and voting rights legislation. It aimed to reduce poverty and racial injustice in the United States.