


John F. Kennedy

John F. Kennedy was the 35th president of the United States. Events that occurred during his term in office were The Bay of Pigs and the Cuban Missile Crisis. He was assassinated in 1963. Many believe there is a large amount of conspiracy still surrounding this event.

4,053 Questions

Is there a purple bullet that can paralyze anywhere it hits?

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No, there is no such thing as a purple bullet that can paralyze on impact. This sounds like something from fiction or fantasy rather than reality.

How much is a Collector plate of Tweety Bird's 50th birthday commemorative plate worth?

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The value of a Tweety Bird 50th birthday commemorative plate can vary depending on factors such as its condition, rarity, and demand among collectors. Typically, these plates can range in value from $20 to $50. To determine the exact worth of your specific plate, you may consider checking online marketplaces or consulting with collectors or appraisers.

When did JFK announce that we were going the the moon?

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The first astronauts landed on the Moon on July 20, 1969. The final astronauts left the Moon on December 14, 1972. No one has been back to the Moon since.

Twelve people have walked on the Moon. There were a total of six Apollo lunar landings and each flight carried a crew of three. One astronaut remained in orbit, while the other two went down to the Moon.

How are overhead transparencies made?

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Overhead transparencies are made by printing or writing content on a clear acetate sheet using a printer or pen. The content is usually reversed or mirrored so that it projects correctly when displayed on a screen or wall. The transparency is then placed on an overhead projector to be projected onto a larger screen for audiences to view.

Theory of evolution according to f landa jocano?

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F. Landa Jocano, a Filipino anthropologist, proposed a theory of evolution that emphasized cultural evolution over biological evolution. He argued that cultures evolve through adaptation to their environment and social interactions, rather than through genetic changes. Jocano's theory highlights the role of cultural diversity and innovation in shaping human societies.

Major events of JFK adulthood?

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Some major events of JFK's adulthood include serving in the Navy during World War II, becoming a member of the U.S. House of Representatives and later the U.S. Senate, being elected as the 35th President of the United States, and leading the country during the early 1960s, marked by events like the Cuban Missile Crisis and the Civil Rights Movement.

Were did John F. Kennedy go to school?

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John F. Kennedy attended the Choate School in Connecticut before going on to attend Harvard University. He later studied at the Stanford Graduate School of Business.

Kennedy's unhappiness with the corrupt Diem regime led to what effect?

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Kennedy's unhappiness with the corrupt Diem regime in South Vietnam led to his tacit approval of a coup to overthrow Diem in 1963. However, the coup resulted in political instability and ultimately contributed to the escalation of the Vietnam War.

What is the salary of an RN in Dallas Texas?

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The average salary for a registered nurse in Dallas, Texas is around $70,000 per year, depending on experience, qualifications, and the healthcare facility. This figure can vary based on factors such as specialization, additional certifications, and shift differentials.

Is Robert Frost an afro American poet?

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No, Robert Frost was not an African American poet. He was a white American poet who is known for his works that reflect rural life in New England and themes of nature, isolation, and human experiences.

If you have an original etching signed jean Robert the etching is in french and reads matinee en marou and is singed in pencil by a jean Robert?

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It sounds like you have an original etching by a French artist named Jean Robert. The title "Matinee en Marou" suggests that it might depict a morning scene at the beach. Etchings are created through a printmaking technique, and the pencil signature adds to its authenticity.

What were the names of the Kennedy wives?

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The Kennedy wives were Jacqueline Kennedy, Ethel Kennedy, Joan Bennett Kennedy, and Jean Kennedy Smith.

How old was poet Robert Frost when he took this decision?

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Robert Frost was 86 years old when he made the decision to recite a poem at the inauguration of President John F. Kennedy in 1961. Frost had written a new poem, but due to glare from the sun and difficulties reading the text, he opted to recite "The Gift Outright" from memory instead.

Who was Robert Frost's mentor?

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Renowned poet Edward Thomas was Robert Frost's mentor. Frost met Thomas in England, and their friendship greatly influenced Frost's writing style and themes. Frost often credited Thomas with helping him find his poetic voice and encouraging him to pursue a career in poetry.

Birth of shaka oswald mtshali analyze?

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Shaka Oswald Mtshali is an important figure in South African literature, known for his poetry that addresses themes of identity, apartheid, and the African experience. His work reflects the struggles and triumphs of the Black community in the face of oppression. Mtshali's birth marked the arrival of a powerful voice that continues to resonate in the literary world.

Who died on the same day as C. S. Lewis?

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C. S. Lewis died on the same day as American President John F. Kennedy, which was November 22, 1963.

Where was JKF killed?

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John F. Kennedy was killed in Dallas, Texas, on November 22, 1963. He was riding in a motorcade through Dealey Plaza when he was shot.

Where does ed norton live?

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Edward Norton lives in New York City.

What is the value of jfk life magazine?

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The value of a Life magazine featuring JFK can vary depending on factors such as its condition, rarity, and demand among collectors. Generally, these magazines can range from a few dollars to over $100, with some particularly rare or well-preserved copies fetching even higher prices. It's best to consult a collector's guide or check online auction sites for more specific pricing information.

What is the value of Life magazine A thousand Days with JFK on the cover?

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The value of Life magazine "A Thousand Days with JFK" on the cover can vary depending on its condition, rarity, and demand among collectors. Generally, vintage Life magazines featuring John F. Kennedy can range from $10 to $50 or more. It's best to consult with a reputable collector or check online marketplaces for current pricing.

What is the picture on the cover of November 23 1936 Life magazine?

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The cover of the November 23, 1936 Life magazine features a photo of the flying boat China Clipper, celebrating its inaugural trans-Pacific flight. This iconic image captured the excitement and technological advancements in aviation during that era.

What is the November 29 1963 issue of Life magazine with John F. Kennedy on cover worth?

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The November 29, 1963 issue of Life magazine with John F. Kennedy on the cover can vary in value depending on its condition and any accompanying articles or photographs. On average, a copy in good condition can be worth around $20-$50, but prices may fluctuate based on collector demand. It is recommended to consult with a specialized magazine collector or appraiser for a more accurate valuation.

What were the height and the weight of John Fitzgerald Kennedy?

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According to the Kennedy family doctor, JFK was just about 6 feet tall, maybe a little bit under, and weighed from his 20-43 in the realm of 150-160 lbs. However, to help his appearance when running for office they said he was 6ft 1/2 in and 170 lbs.

In what year was president Ronald Reagan born and in what year did he die?

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President Ronald Reagan was born on February 6, 1911 and he died on June 5, 2004.

Why did John F. Nash Jr. win The Prize in Economic Sciences in 1994?

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John F. Nash Jr. won the Nobel Prize in Economic Sciences in 1994 due to his groundbreaking work in game theory. In the 1950s, Nash developed a theory of how two or more people could interact with one another in a competitive environment. He showed that if each person in the game has certain rational goals, then they could come to an agreement that was beneficial to all parties. Nash's work provided a framework for understanding the behavior of people in situations of conflict or competition, and it had profound implications for economics, politics, and other fields. His work helped to revolutionize the field of economics and provided a better understanding of human behavior.