

Corruption (Political or Economic)

Corruption occurs when government leaders use the powers vested in them for illegitimate private benefits which can be money or intangibles. Forms of corruption vary, but include bribery, extortion, cronyism, nepotism, patronage, graft, and embezzlement. Corruption may facilitate criminal enterprise such as drug trafficking, money laundering, and human trafficking, though is not restricted to these activities.

779 Questions

What was the first principles of ancient astronomy is that the heavens beyond the atmosphere are perfect and the Earth is corrupt?

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Ancient astronomy was based on the belief that celestial bodies moved in perfectly circular orbits, while Earth was considered imperfect due to its changing nature. This idea stemmed from the philosophical notion that the heavens represented the divine and unchanging, while Earth was subject to decay and imperfection.

Have the US supported corrupt authoritarian regimes?

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Yes, historically the US has supported various corrupt authoritarian regimes around the world for strategic reasons, especially during the Cold War. This support was often driven by geopolitical considerations rather than a commitment to democracy or human rights.

How does power corrupt in the story of Prometheus and pandora box?

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Asked by Alexa Reyes

At its core, the myth of Prometheus and Pandora is an attempt to explain how suffering first entered the world. It just goes to show you that people have been struggling with this question forever. Pretty much all the bad stuff that happens now happened way back in the day, too.

Which of these statements correctly identifies what humanists believed Society civilized people rather than made them wicked. The Catholic church civilized people. Society corrupted people and made th?

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Humanists believed that society civilized people rather than making them wicked. They did not believe that society corrupted people. The Catholic Church played a role in civilizing people through education, culture, and morality, but humanists emphasized the potential for personal growth and enlightenment through education and reason.

What are roles of media in exposing corruption?

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Asked by Wiki User

The media plays a crucial role in exposing corruption by holding government officials and institutions accountable through investigative reporting, fostering transparency and accountability in society, and raising awareness among the public about corrupt practices. By shining a light on corruption, the media can help create pressure for reforms and contribute to building a culture of integrity and good governance.

Who lost the election of 1824 because of a corrupt bargain?

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Andrew Jackson lost the election of 1824 to John Quincy Adams. Jackson believed that a "corrupt bargain" had been struck between Adams and Henry Clay to secure Adams' victory in the House of Representatives.

Why is corruption seen as a social problem?

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Corruption is seen as a social problem because it undermines trust in institutions, distorts the allocation of resources, and perpetuates inequality by favoring the wealthy and powerful. It erodes public confidence in government and can lead to a cycle of corruption that harms overall societal well-being.

Which candidate lost the election of 1824 because of a corrupt bargain?

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Henry Clay lost the election of 1824 because of the "corrupt bargain." He was the Speaker of the House and threw his support behind John Quincy Adams, who ultimately won the presidency.

What group set out to stop monopolies corruption and social problems?

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The Progressive Movement, which emerged in the early 20th century, sought to address issues such as monopolies, corruption, and social problems. Progressives advocated for government intervention to regulate big business, promote social welfare programs, and combat political corruption through various reforms and policies. They believed in promoting social justice and creating a more equitable society for all.

What did Williams tweeds corruption do?

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Williams Tweed, also known as "Boss" Tweed, was a notoriously corrupt political figure in 19th century New York City. Tweed used his influence to amass a great deal of wealth and power through political patronage, bribery, and manipulation of contracts for public works projects. His corruption severely impacted the city's finances and led to significant mismanagement of public funds. Tweed's corrupt practices eventually led to his downfall and arrest.

Who to contact to report a corrupt government agency?

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Asked by Wiki User

You can report a corrupt government agency to oversight bodies like the Inspector General's office, the Office of Special Counsel, or the Government Accountability Office. Additionally, you can reach out to your elected representatives or whistleblowing organizations for assistance.

Why is the story bargain by AB Gothrie named Bargain?

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The story "Bargain" by A.B. Guthrie Jr. likely gets its title from the central theme of making deals or agreements in desperate situations. The main characters enter into bargains with each other to achieve their goals, and the consequences of these agreements drive the narrative forward. Ultimately, the title reflects the key motif of negotiation and compromise that runs throughout the story.

What might a wealthy executive who has committed financial wrongdoing and faces jail time appeal to the president for?

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Asked by Wiki User

The executive might appeal to the president for a pardon or clemency to avoid serving jail time. They may argue that their contributions to the economy or society outweigh their crime, or that their incarceration would have negative effects on their family or business.

What is kickback corruption?

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Kickback corruption is a form of bribery where a person or entity receives illicit payments or favors in exchange for providing undue benefits or advantages to another party. This type of corruption can distort fair competition, undermine trust in institutions, and harm society by diverting resources away from their intended purposes. Kickbacks are illegal and unethical practices that violate the principles of transparency and integrity.

Is corruption an indicator of market growth?

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No, corruption is not an indicator of market growth. In fact, corruption can hinder economic growth by distorting market mechanisms, increasing costs, discouraging investments, and reducing trust in institutions. Countries with high levels of corruption often struggle to achieve sustainable and inclusive economic development.

What type government did lord acton not support?

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Asked by Wiki User

Lord Acton did not support the idea of an absolute monarchy. He believed that concentrated power in the hands of one individual or entity could lead to tyranny and abuse of power. Acton advocated for limits on governmental authority and the protection of individual liberties.

What is the most corrupt country in Africa and why?

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Corruption levels vary across Africa, making it difficult to pinpoint one single most corrupt country. Countries like Somalia, South Sudan, and Sudan have been consistently ranked as some of the most corrupt due to factors such as weak governance, lack of accountability, and ongoing conflicts that create conducive environments for corruption to thrive.

Why does Gladwell use the word bargain in Maritas Bargain?

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Gladwell uses the word "bargain" in "Marita's Bargain" to highlight the concept of giving something up to achieve success. Marita's decision to enroll in KIPP Academy involves a trade-off where she sacrifices leisure time for academic success. The word "bargain" emphasizes the negotiation and exchange inherent in Marita's commitment to her education.

How are the terms corruption and scalawag connected?

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Asked by Wiki User

The term "corruption" generally refers to unethical or illegal behavior, while "scalawag" historically referred to white southern Republicans who supported Reconstruction efforts after the Civil War. In the context of Reconstruction, some scalawags were accused of engaging in corrupt practices to further their political goals, leading to a connection between the terms in relation to political misconduct.

What is the racial bribe?

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The term "racial bribe" refers to the perceived benefits or advantages that white people receive as a result of societal systems and structures that privilege whiteness. It suggests that white individuals can unknowingly benefit from racism and discrimination, even if they do not actively participate in or support it.

How did corruption Weaken Rome in 400?

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Corrupt officials would threat and bribe others, to achieve their goals, usually ignoring the needs of the citizens.

How does bribery affect the choices you make?

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Bribery can influence decision-making by steering individuals towards unethical or immoral actions in exchange for personal gain. It can lead to compromised integrity, biased judgement, and decisions that may not align with ethical principles or the best interests of others.

What countries suffer poverty from corrupt leaders?

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Asked by Wiki User

Countries such as Venezuela, Zimbabwe, and North Korea are examples of countries suffering from poverty due to corrupt leadership. Mismanagement of funds, lack of transparency, and embezzlement by government officials contribute to widespread poverty and economic hardships for citizens.

How do corrupt leaders cause poverty?

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Asked by Wiki User

Corrupt leaders can cause poverty by siphoning off public funds for personal gain, thereby reducing available resources for essential services like healthcare, education, and infrastructure development. Corruption can also undermine economic growth by discouraging foreign investment and creating an uncertain business environment. Additionally, corrupt practices often result in unfair distribution of wealth, exacerbating income inequality and perpetuating poverty.

Why luxurious lifestyle is one of the major causes of corruption?

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Asked by Wiki User

AS an employee, people have a wish to earn a lot of money. They want to adequate salary which is enough for them to fulfill their basic requirements and desire for luxurious lifestyle. They want to have luxurious cars, buildings, houses, businesses, etc. if these things are fulfilled or satisfied from their income or salary, then they started to take bribery, misuse power for personal benefit, giving opportunities to relatives(nepotism), bad attitude and intentions