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Q: What led to the downfall of the mamluks?
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Who drove the mongols out of Syria?

It was the Mamluks. A Mamluk was a soldier who converted to Islam, over time they became a powerful military. It was one of the only battles the Mongols lost. Wikipedia: Mamluks

How did war of succession lead to the decline of mughal empire?

The absence of any definite law to the mughal throne was an important factor that led to downfall of the empire. The death of a mughal ruler was always followed by war of succession between its rival claimants to the throne. It led to bitterness, bloodshed and frequent rebellions. The burden on treasury increased due to wars which caused the downfall of the empire.

The Mamluks a Muslim army from Egypt were able to put an end to the conquering of what group?

The Mamluks successfully defeated the Mongol conquerors under the leadership of Kitbuqa (the second-in-command to Hülegü Khan) at the Battle of Ain Jalut in modern-day Israel.

Did both the Russians under Mongol rule and the Mamluks under Abbassid rule gain power by fighting against their rulers?

Yes. While the Russians did rise up against the Khanate of the Golden Horde (which controlled parts of what is now Russia and the "Stans" and proceeded to expand their territory by fighting the Khanate, the answer with the Mamluks needs more tweaking. The Mamluks did exist during the time of the Abbassids. The Mamluks referred to Turkish slaves that eventually took up arms for themselves. They rose up against the Abbassids when they were weak and created their own government in the Levant and Egypt. Eventually, Ottomans defeated them and their forces became part of the Ottoman Empire's armies. The Mamluks rose up against Ottoman authority at a time (1700s) when the Ottomans were beginning to lose ground and prominence in Europe and the Janissaries were taking a larger stake in Imperial Affairs. This Mamluk Rebellion was swiftly crushed.

The Mamluks a Muslim army from Egypt were able to put an end to the conquerings of what group?

The Mongols, specifically at the Battle of Ain Jalut.

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Can you say somebody has a downfall?

Yes you can, but I think you would usually use this word in a past sentence or maybe a future sentence: past - Alcohol led to his downfall present - Alcohol will be his downfall

Whose assassination led to the downfall of the Roman Republic?

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Where were the mamluks from?


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