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Q: What lesson was gained from the withered fig tree?
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What happened to the fig tree after Jesus cursed it for not bearing fruit?

After Jesus cursed the fig tree for not bearing fruit, it withered and dried up from the roots overnight. This event was meant to symbolize the importance of spiritual fruitfulness and the consequences of hypocrisy. It serves as a lesson about the need for genuine faith and living a fruitful life.

What Jesus mean by the parable the withered Fig Tree in the Bible?

In the parable of the withered fig tree, Jesus uses the tree to symbolize Israel's spiritual barrenness and lack of faith. By withering the fig tree, Jesus was illustrating the importance of genuine faith and demonstrating the consequences of superficial religiosity. The parable teaches the need for authentic belief and fruitful action in one's spiritual life.

What tree had no food for Jesus?

Matthew 21:19 And when he saw a fig tree in the way, he came to it, and found nothing thereon, but leaves only, and said unto it, Let no fruit grow on thee henceforward for ever. And presently the fig tree withered away.

How did Jesus use the fig tree during the Olivet discourse to assure His disciples that the kingdom would be fulfilled?

In the Olivet discourse, Jesus used the withered fig tree as a symbol to teach his disciples about the importance of faith and readiness. By showing that just as the fig tree withered away for not bearing fruit, so too would those who lacked faith and readiness face consequences. This served as an assurance that the kingdom of God would be fulfilled for those who remained faithful and prepared.

Who gained enlightenment under the peepul tree?

Siddhartha Gautama, The Buddha, sat under a fig tree, also called a Peepal tree and gained enlightenment. The scientific name of a peepal tree is Ficus religiosa.

Is a fig tree an angiosperm or gymnosperm?

A fig tree is an angiosperm

Did Jesus committed sin when he cursed the fig tree for not bearing fruits out of season?

The cursing of the fig tree is often interpreted as a symbolic act to demonstrate the consequences of spiritual barrenness. It is not viewed as a sin on Jesus' part, but rather a lesson for his disciples. Jesus used parables and actions like this to convey deeper spiritual truths to his followers.

When was Fig Tree Bridge created?

Fig Tree Bridge was created in 1885.

What does a strangler fig do?

the strangler fig climbs onto another tree and strangles it until it dies and then the fig is attached to the dead tree

Is a fig an angiosperm or gymnosperm?

A fig tree is an angiosperm

What is a fig tree used for?

To make fig newtons.

What is a South African fig tree called?

Sycomore Fig