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You can't solo it.

But if you atleast wanted to give it ago, 85, definitely. You will atleast need heals though, and possibly a pally if you aren't already one. : )

Edit: In Cataclysm, the Lich King has been solo'd by a Blood Death Knight, so it is certainly possible - but difficult. Expect hundreds of wipes while "training" for this. It is also easier on 10man than on 25man difficulty, obviously.

This info is relevant for people who want to complete the Frostmourne questline and who can't find a group to kill him - but remember that as little as 5 level 85 and raid-geared players (iLevel 390+) can easily kill him.

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Q: What level do you have to be to solo the lich king?
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What lvl do you have to be to fight the lich king?

You have to be level 80, and you gotta be very geared.

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How do you become a lich?

A "Lich" isn't a race, faction or kind of creature on WoW. The Lich King is reffered to as King Arthas the King of the Death Knights. To answer the question i believe ur asking, you cannot become a Death Knight. A Death Knight is its own race and can only be obtained by having the expansion of The Wrath of the Lich King and a character of at least level 55.

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The Lich King is a Boss (Level 83 in stats) who is the last boss in Icecrown Citadel, a 10- and 25man raid instance introduced in patch 3.3 of Wrath of the Lich King. He is not Neutral, but will not attack unless the event is started by speaking with Tirion Fordring.

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The Lich King is a human by the name of Arthas Menethil.

Can you play Lich king even if you only have an unupgraded WoW account?

No, in order to play Wrath of the Lich King content (Death Knights, Northrend, max professions, level 80) you are required to pay for Wrath of the Lich King. There would be no sense in making it so you could play wrath content with out upgrading.

Is Arthas the Lich king?

Yes, Arthas Menethil is the Lich King. You can see a cinematic of the Lich Ling by clicking on the plinth of the fountain in Dalaran.

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Most lvl ??'s are classified as lvl 83. They are a level equal to the maximum character level +3 (83 in Wrath of the Lich King, 88 in Cataclysm).

Who would win DeathWing or the Lich King?

I personally think that deathwing would win because he can fly he can breathe fire .the lich king (from wow The lich king) is dead and now tyrean's brother is the new lich king and he promised never to attack EVER again

How do you get a World of Warcraft game account for wrath of the lich king?

you go on the website and it has the logo for lich king'you click on it then it has information and from there on there is the option to sign up for the lich king there....:)

How do you by a death-night in wow?

you need 1 level 80 on your account and the wrath of the lich king expansion installed.

How do you unlock death knight on wow?

You need to have The Wrath of the Lich King Expansion Pack and a level 55 character.