

What level is the C programming language?

Updated: 8/16/2019
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13y ago

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C is a third-generation programming language, or "high-level" per the terminology established during its earlier years. It is now considered low-level by many programmers, relative to more popular (fourth-generation) alternatives.

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There is no such thing as 'middle level language'.

Is c is regular language?

it is not regular language .it is high level language

What are the examples of middle level programming language?

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What is the main feature of the c programming language?

High-level language with low-level abstractions.

What are the simalarities of high and low level programming?

high level language; is a computer language that is near to human language. high level programming is a process of programming high level language.Example,c++,java,cobol are one of them. The reverse is true for the low level language.

What is mid level language?

A language that allows you to combine high-level programming with low-level programming. C and C++ are generally regarded as being mid-level languages.

What type of language c?

It is a structured, procedural, high level programming language.

What is c langvage?

C is a low level programming language or it is also called as machine level language as the code written in C is encrypted into machine readable form then it is executed. If you want to learn C programming language in depth then Newtum is a best option to start with. It's C programming online course provides complete knowledge of the all the basic concepts involved in programming. If you are interested, please vivist our website!

Which language is c language?

If you mean what type of language is the C Programming language, it is a high-level, statically compiled, procedural programming language. It is often described as one of the most "low-level" of the high-level languages, in that is it very adaptable for programming "close" to the hardware, while still retaining the advantages of portability, flexibility, and human comprehesiblity common to high-level languages.

What is the best mobile programming language?

Depends if it is application then : Java, c# If it is system level then : c,c++

What is programming launguage?

A programming language is a language to communicate with the machine (computer). It can either high or low level programming language. A high level programming language is harder to understand by computers but easier by people. These include BASIC, C++, Java and etc. Low level programming languages are understandable by computers and people , like assembly and other system programing languages. Compilers/Linkers/Interpreters are needed to translate between programming language into machine language (binary code - 010001001 etc). If you want to learn programming language, first you should learn Basic or Python then goto C++ or Java. You can also learn C instead of C+++, your choice.

What is programming languages in c plus plus?

Programming in C++ means designing and writing a computer program using the C++ programming language. C++ is a high-level, machine-independent language which must be converted into machine-dependent code by a compiler.