

What level of the energy pyramid is a polar bear?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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6y ago

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Polar bears are at the very top of the pyramid. They are an apex predator.

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Q: What level of the energy pyramid is a polar bear?
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What does the energy pyramid of polar bear look like?

There is no energy pyramid on the continent, because there is no food chain on the land.However, the Southern Ocean which surrounds the continent, has the shortest food chain on Earth, based on Antarctic Krill, properly Euphausia superba. The top of the ocean's food chain are protein-consuming whales and seals.

How is the energy pyramid of a bear?

The energy pyramid of a bear is what all of the bears eat and a bear is a carnivore

On what level of the food chain does a polar bear fit?

the polar bear is the world largest predator found on land.

What is a polar bear's feeding level?

The polar bear is a tertiary consumer - third lever.

What happens when polar bears enter walking hibernation?

'walking hibernation' means that the bears metabolism alters to a hibernation-like state which facilitates significant energy consercation. They remain active, but rely on stored fat for energy. This is a trait no other species of bear posesses.when the polar bear enters walking hibernation, their metabolism goes to a hibernation-like level. the polar bear remains active, but relys on stored body fat. the polar bear is the only bear that does this.

How do you pass the level with the polar bear on polar rescue?

I don't know try to find a walkthrough

Why does the polar bear eat animals?

polar bears need to live, so they have to get energy from other animals.

What level do you get a polar bear in tap zoo?

Lvl 18 u can buy it

Is a polar bear fast or slow moving?

a polar bear is both slow and fast moving its slow when trying to catch its prey and fast to move away from a predator

How does the polar bear help the polar ice?

why does the polar bear helps the polar ice

Which is bigger polar or grizzly bear?

The grizzly or brown bear and the polar bear are basicly the same size.

Is a polar bear a 1consumer or a 2 consumer or 3 consumer?

Polar bears are tertiary (3rd level) consumers.