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Q: What levels of light intensity occur throughout the community?
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How do you increase a plants chlorophyll concentration?

Ensure the plant has adequate light intensity and that the Magnesium levels (macronutirent) is correct

What is the relationship between an increase in light intensity and photosynthetic rate in tomato leaves?

As light intensity increases then the rate of photosynthesis increases until a point is reached when the rate levels off. Beyond this point is called the light saturation point of photosynthesis.

What is the light intensity in the arctic?

The light intensity is poop!

How does light intensity affect the rate of photosynthesis?

Higher light intensity increases the rate of photosynthesis and vice versa.more intense light means more energy in the light, so the chloroplasts get more energy from light, making photosynthesis go faster

As light intensity increases the rate of photosynthesis?

Initially increases then levels off. (the rate of photosynthesis) Hope that helped!!

Refer to your graph of productivity and light intensity At what light intensity do you expect there to be?

0% light and 25% light

Which factor affects most in transpiration-humidity or light intensity?

Light intensity

At what light intensity do you expect there to be no net productivity?

100% light intensity ?

How does light intensity affect the voltage?

Light intensity affects voltage because the higher the intensity of light, the more volts are produced. It works exactly the same way in the case of: the lower the light intensity the less volts that are produced.

What is a light intensity knob?

The light intensity knob is found on light microscopes and allows you to change the intensity of the light on the sample. Different light intensities allow you to view different parts more clearly.

What eye cell does not detect color?

The rods in the retina of the eyes are sensitive to low levels of light and movement. The cones are the ones that are sensitive to color and intensity, so the rods do not see color.

How does changing the light intensity effect photosynthesis and why?

By changing the light intensity the rate of photosynthesis will either increase or decrease because it is one of the factors that affects photosynthesis. If you increase the light intensity the rate increases but if you decrease the light intensity the rate decreases.