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Between the orbit of Mars and Jupiter, there is the asteroid belt. This is made up of millions of small rocks that are in a direct orbit around the sun. Most of these objects are boulder sized or smaller, but some are quite large. The largest is a Dwarf planet called Ceres, which is around 975km in diameter.

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What lies between mars and jupiter-?

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In between the planets Mars and Jupiter lies the asteroid belt.

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In our solar system; Inner planets are planets that have an orbit which lies within the asteroid belt. Outer planets are planets which have an orbit which lies outside the orbit of the asteroid belt. The asteroid belt lies between Mars and Jupiter. Therefore the inner planets would be in order away form the sun, Mercury, Venus, Earth and Mars. The outer planets in the same order are; Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune.

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The four planets closest to the sun are called the inner planets. They are Mercury, Venus, Earth, and Mars. The asteroid belt lies between the inner and outer planets.

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