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Bees are an important part of the ecosystem. They are pollinators for a large majority of plants. They should be tolerated, or even encouraged, as far as possible.

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Q: What life cycle stage should bees be exterminated?
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What stage of the life cycle is carried out by bees?

The sting!

If 1274 bee's are exterminated in a period of twenty four hours how many bees were exterminated by the minute?

Just don't do it. Ask your teacher for a question that doesn't involve needless killing of useful creatures.

Do bees wasps have the same life cycle?

no no no

What is a bumble bees life cycle?


How do you get rid of honey bees nesting in the frame of the house and you have exterminated several times but they keep coming back?

Once you've had them exterminated, make sure that all of the holes around the area are filled (caulk around windows, fill any holes or gaps in siding, check eaves for gaps, etc. You need to plug the holes after extermination so new bees don't get in.

Bird and the bees?

Welll, it means the cycle of life. You know, pregnancy, how to get pregnant. They use birds and bees as examples.

What do you call baby bees?

Bees do not have an infant stage. A bee goes through four stages: egg, larvae, pupae and adult. Bees stay inside the honeycomb until they are adults.

What is the name of young bees?

Young bees begin life as eggs; they then become larvae (singlar larva) followed by pupae (singular pupa). The next stage is adult.

Does honey bees goes through metamorphosis?

Yes, they have a pupal stage between larva and adult.

What Insects Have A 3-Stage Life Cycle?

butterfly, dragonfly, almost all beetles, mosquitos, bees and ants i guess almost all insects have 4.... they start as egg, then larvae, then enter metamorphosis in pupa stage... then adult...

Do killer bees lay eggs?

The so-called 'killer bees', more properly called Africanized honey bees, are like any other honey bee and have exactly the same life-cycle. So, yes, they do lay eggs.

Is it legal to kill honey bees?

In general, it is not legal to intentionally kill honey bees unless done by a licensed professional for specific reasons like pest control. Honey bees play a critical role in pollination and the ecosystem, so efforts should be made to protect and preserve them.