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Q: What lifestyle changes may help a patient obtain healthy cholesterol levels?
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What exactly is cholesterol ratio?

Your LDL Cholesterol Level should be at about 80-100. This is a good number for a healthy patient and will keep you healthy. If you stay at this level, you will probably not have any heart attacks.

What education does a patient receive as a condition to transplant surgery?

An organ transplant requires major lifestyle changes, including dietary adjustments, complex drug treatments and frequent examinations. The patient must be committed to making these changes

What important information must a cardiac patient and his family have?

The patient and family should be fully educated on the physical limitations of the patient, his recommended diet and exercise plan, his emotional status, and the lifestyle changes required to improve the patient's overall health.

What is the most commonly sold product for low cholesterol?

Typically, lowering cholesterol is a behavioral issue, approached with changes to diet and lifestyle. Most often, if a product is required to assist, it is in the form of a prescription drug, the choice of which depends greatly upon the patient's bodily needs and is decided upon by the physician prescribing the drug. Therefore, to say any one is more commonly sold over the others is very difficult, as prescription rates vary based upon patient needs.

What treatment is given by the best liver doctor in Delhi for fatty liver?

The liver doctor at PSRI will initially suggest the patient to make lifestyle changes along with a balanced diet and regular exercise. Medicines may be given to keep a check on cholesterol levels and sugar level. Bariatric surgery is recommended for weight loss.

Is does chana is good for cholesterol patient?

I think so

Lower Your Cholesterol Naturally?

The human body makes cholesterol naturally, and when the body is overloaded by eating animal products, the build-up causes cholesterol levels to rise, often needing medication to keep it under control. Following a vegan diet will enable a person to not only lower cholesterol levels to a healthy range within six to eight weeks, the patient will also be able to eliminate cholesterol medications.

How do you treat prehypertension?

Lifestyle changes are always beneficial: stop smoking, maintain a healthy weight, lower sodium intake, exercise, etc. Medication may be considered if there are other risk factors involved for heart disease. Also may be considered if lifestyle changes have not worked, or there are other serious health problems to consider. The length and severity of the condition also factors into the equasion. The patient's feelings about medication and willingness to comply with a regime also have to be considered. Unfortunately, we know that prehypertention puts us at risk for serious health consequences, and although lifestyle changes will always be a benefit, medication is something that should be considered only after weighing the risk/benefit ratio with a doctor.

What are the lifestyle changes after colon removal?

Faeces may become watery& the patient may have to comsume more roughage &water since there is a reduced surface area for the absorption of water. Patient should avoid vigorious activities, to reduce the amount of water lost.

Use in a sentence the word healthy?

The patient seems to have a healthy appetite.How can tobacco be healthy for you?

What are the advantages of using a in-home cholesterol monitor?

The in-home cholesterol monitor is very helpful for monitoring the cholesterol levels in the body. This is a must if the house member is a heart or a diabetic patient. Hence with regular monitoring the cholesterol levels can be balanced.

What is a doctors purpose when giving a patient a cholesterol screening?

A cholesterol screening can help a doctor know if a patient has or will have blood pressure issues in the future. This screen can allow doctors to treat patients earlier if they find early signs.