

What light attracts the most heat red green or white?

Updated: 8/20/2019
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12y ago

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Green retains the most heat over a longer period of time.

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Q: What light attracts the most heat red green or white?
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NO it does not. Light clothing reflect heat like white and light green. Dark clothing absorb heat like black and Grey

Why is the color white cooler than black?

Because black attracts heat and white deflects it

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the light attracts to black so it makes it hotter Black objects are black because they absorb all the visible radiation that falls on it. That light is then converted into infrared radiation which is essentially heat. White reflects radiation so you are cooler wearing white.

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I'm not so sure, but from my knowledge, i think it's white...because black attracts the most heat.

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Because black attracts heat. Same goes for clothing.

If you were to wear a black suit in the summer would you stay cool?

No. No because black attracts heat. If you wanted to stay cool in the summer you should wear white because white repels heat. White and black are opposites.

Color to wear to stay cool temperature?

White. Dark colours absorb heat, light colours reflect the heat.

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White surfaces reflect light and heat. Black surfaces do not reflect light and they absorb heat.White surfaces reflect light and heat. Black surfaces do not reflect light and they absorb heat.White surfaces reflect light and heat. Black surfaces do not reflect light and they absorb heat.White surfaces reflect light and heat. Black surfaces do not reflect light and they absorb heat.

What happens to white objects when heat and light energy is transferred to it?

White objects reflect heat and light energy. For example if you live in a white house, the heat and light energy bounces off the surface of the house so you would feel cool.

Why are gasoline tanks usually white and never black?

because black attracts heat and you dont want any explosions