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A ultra violet light will make things glow.

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Q: What light bulb should i use to make things glow in the dark?
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Why did the electric light bulb get invented?

It was dark and they needed a supply of light to read books and do other things

How does the light bulb help stores?

In the dark it helps the storeman to find things that people want.

How does light help us?

we can see in the dark with the light bulb

Why did Nikota Tesla invent the light bulb?

He invented the light bulb so people can use it to see in the dark With out light people wouldn't be able to see in the dark

What are positive affects that the light bulb has?

it light our ways especially when its dark

Does a light bulb use more energy when in the dark?

For most light bulbs, they consume equal amounts of energy regardless of bright or dark environments. This is because a light bulb is simply lit up by a power source, and is unable to control brightness, producing the same amount of light. That is why most people say we should not waste energy by switching on a light bulb in the day.

Is inside your stomach dark?

no theres a light bulb in it...

How did the light bulb help the world?

we wouldn't be able to see in the dark today if it wasnt for him creating the light bulb

Why was the light bulb important?

so that people can see in the dark.

Where did Thomas Edison when he made the light bulb?

in a dark room

Why did Thomas Eddison invent the light-bulb?

he was affraid of the dark

How has the first light bulb impacted us?

The first light bulb has impacted us a lot. It has allowed us to see when it is dark.