

What light bulb uses less amount of energy?

Updated: 8/16/2019
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12y ago

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compact flourescent light bulbs (cfl) the swirly ones

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Q: What light bulb uses less amount of energy?
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What does an energy saving light bulb do?

It uses less energy to produce the same amount of illumination as a standard light bulb

Can energy saving light bulb charge a phone?

No. An energy saving light bulb is just a light bulb, and can't charge anything. The reason it's called an "energy saving" device is that it can give you the same amount of light while using less electrical energy than older bulbs used.

What is Florescent?

flouescnet is a type of light bulb that uses less energy

How does the energy saving light bulb save energy?

It uses less fuel (electricity) and that elecriticy is converted more into infare rays (light)and less thermal energy (heat).

What type of energy does a light bulb give off?

It makes thermal energy (the heat), radiant energy (what we see), which is in essence more or less the same manifestation.

How much energy does an incandescent lightbulb use versus a fluorescent?

Yes that's true fluorescent bulbs are better because it usess 75% less energy and works longer than a incandescent light bulb. Yes...and no. It is true that power usage decreases with fluorescent balb usage. However, one must take into account that they pollute more (i.e. mercury and other heavy metals).

How does a florecent light bulb save energy?

I think you meant "use less energy" rather than "saves less energy"...Incandescent light bulbs generate light by heating a filament until it glows brightly. A great deal of energy is lost as heat and only a little energy is converted to visible light.Fluorescent light bulbs (whether "compact" or not) generate light by exciting the atoms in the phosphor coating on the inside of the bulb. This is more efficient, as there is less heat generated, so less electricity is needed to produce the same amount of light.LED lights are even more efficient than fluorescent, but they are still rather expensive for general lighting.

Does a low-energy light-bulb create more heat in a room?

Compared to other types of light-bulb, energy-saving light bulbs will create less heat. This is because any wasted energy is converted to heat.

Which bulbs consume less energy?

Common indoors type light bulbs, from most efficient to least efficient: regular size tubular fluorescent lamps with electronic ballasts CFLs (compact florescent lamps) fluorescent lamps with reactive ballasts (old type of ballast) incandescent halogen lamps incandescent tungsten lamps

Does the brain operate on the same amount of power as a 10 watt light bulb?

Yes, less than a 75W bulb.

Is a energy saving light bulb more efficient than a normal light bulb?

More efficient, yes - since it produces the same amount of light but uses less power to do so. HOWEVER - they need to be disposed of away from the 'normal' household rubbish - as they contain mercury - which is highly toxic !

How is the new light bulbs energy renewed?

The energy put into the bulb is converted to heat and light. Low-energy bulbs just use less electrical energy to keep them bright.