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4w ago

The equator is the line of latitude that receives the sun's direct rays during the equinoxes. This is because the Earth's axis is tilted neither toward nor away from the sun during the equinoxes, causing the sun's rays to strike the equator perpendicularly.

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Q: What line of latitude receives the sun's direct rays during the equinoxes?
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Where does the noon sun fall during both equinoxes?

During the equinoxes, when the Sun is at its highest, it will be at a distance from the zenith which is the same as your geographical latitude, but in the opposite direction. For example, if you live 50 degrees north of the equator, the Sun will be 50 degrees south of the zenith at noon.

What happens to the amount of solar radiation as latitude increases?

The north pole receives more solar radiation during the summer than the equator does, but during winter, it receives no solar radiation. This means that as latitude increases, the amount of solar radiation increases in the summer and decreases in the winter.

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The distribution of incoming solar radiation during the course of a year is exactly equal at both poles, and neither of them ever receives any 'direct' rays.

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At the Equinoxes, the Sun is directly above the equator.

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The Philippines is closer to the equator, resulting in more direct sunlight and higher temperatures year-round. In contrast, Canada's higher latitude means it receives less direct sunlight and has colder temperatures, especially during the winter months.

Where does the noon sun fall during the equinox?

During the equinoxes, when the Sun is at its highest, it will be at a distance from the zenith which is the same as your geographical latitude, but in the opposite direction. For example, if you live 50 degrees north of the equator, the Sun will be 50 degrees south of the zenith at noon.

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How long is a day in winter?

The length of a day is constant, no matter what the season and is fixed at 24 hours. The amount of daylight that a location receives during winter is dependent on its latitude.

What line of latitude is the northernmost point on earth that receives direct light from the sun?

The Tropic of Cancer, which is 23.5 degrees north latitude, has an angle of insolation (incoming solar radiation) of a full 90 degrees, meaning that it receives the most rays of sunlight on the summer solstice. There is no other place that receives more rays or equal rays than this on the earth during this time, because the Tropic of Cancer is only in the northern half of the World. Extra stuff On the winter solstice, the Tropic of Capricorn, 23.5 degrees south latitude, receives the most rays. on the Autumnal and Vernal equinoxes, the equator (O degrees) gets the most rays.

What happened during the equinoxes?

Night and day are the same length of time. The sun is at declination zero.