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Q: What liquid are the oceans made of?
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Does Titan have an ocean of liquid ethane?

The oceans are made of liquid ethane.

What liquid fossil fuel is made in deep oceans?

a liquid fossil fuel made in deep ocean

What is the difference between the oceans and atmosphere?

The oceans are made primarily of liquid water. The atmosphere is made primarily of a mixture of gaseous Oxygen (20%) and Nitrogen (80%).

Is the crust made out of a liquid or a solid?

No, The crust is solid. The oceans just happen to sit on top of it.

What planet is the only one known to have oceans of liquid water?

Earth is the only known planet to have oceans of liquid water.

What is early earth conditions?

there were meteorites, a lot of space debris and lightning and liquid water eventually made the oceans.

Is the world made up of gases liquids or solids?

Yes, it certainly is. All of the above. The air is gas. The oceans are liquid. The ground is solid.

Why do scientists think that mars may have once been a warmer place?

Because its rocks clearly show that it once had oceans made of liquid water.

Where is the most liquid water found on earth?

Atlantic Ocean

What is the difference between oceans and continents?

ocean is the saline water which covers 79% 0f the earth surface while continent is the place where we can locate countries

Where would you find the largest oceans in the solar system?

Assuming the Oceans are of liquid water, the only provable place where they are found is Earth.

Does europa have an under ground ocean?

Under-GROUND oceans? Probably not; the current estimates for Europa indicate that the surface is probably ice, with perhaps oceans beneath the ice. If the oceans are made of water rather than some more exotic liquid, then there's at least a possibility that life might exist in that ocean.