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Q: What liquid in the stomach digests food within six hours?
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What happen to food in the largintestine?

it stayes there for hours and it digests

How long does spaghetti stay in your stomach?

After food is digested in the stomach -- which takes about 3-4 hours -- it leaves the stomach. Chyme (or food and stomach acid) enters the small intestine at a rate of about 100-300 ml every hour. Depending on how much you ate (the average meal is probably 600-800 ml after digestion), food can be in your stomach anywhere from 3.5 hours to 7 hours.

How long can food digest?

it digests up to 7 hours

Is it true if you swallow gum it stays for 8 years?

No. Your stomach will have digested it within a few hours.

What are the functions of stomach?

The Stomach breaks down the food you've eaten and digests it with acids. The food will stay in the stomach for 3-5 hours, depending on the person, his age, health etc. The digested food will be passed on to the intestines where the energy and the nutrients would be absorbed by the body. The stomach can be compared to an engine of a car which consumes the fuel and provides the energy to move the car.

How long does it take to digest a pear?

100 years

What the digestive system does?

it digests the food that you eat. this can take up to 24 hours for the full process!

Do ferrets defecate after a bath?

Possibly, a ferret digests food every 3 to 4 hours.

What can the stomach do?

The stomach is one of the principal organ in your digestive system. The stomach holds the swallowed food for up to four hours depending on the amount of food, churning it to a pulp and initiating digestion, then passes it on by degrees into the duodenum.

What can happen if you drink coke on an empty stomach?

if you drink coke or any soda really, the acids in your stomach will react to this and it will cause a sharp pain for hours as your body heals itself from the acidic damage done from the increased acidic level within your stomach

Can you take liquid Tylenol before a colonoscopy?

Generally yes as long as it is not red dyed. But not if you're within 8 hours of the test.

During the first week that your pregnant do you get sharp pains in your stomach?

Not from the pregnancy.If you have sharp pains in your stomach, it is probably gas. If the pains don't go away within a few hours, or are very severe, see a health practitioner.