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This quote uses paradox, a literary device that combines contradictory ideas in a way that creates a sense of tension or mystery. The phrase "slept but did not sleep" and "lived but did not live" suggests that the Mechanical hound has a complex and mysterious existence.

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Q: What literary device is used in th following quote The Mechanical hound slept but did not sleep lived but did not live?
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How many legs does the mechanical hound have?

The mechanical hound in Ray Bradbury's "Fahrenheit 451" has eight legs.

How does the mechanical hound track its prey?

The mechanical hound in Ray Bradbury's "Fahrenheit 451" tracks its prey by analyzing scents, following heat signatures, and using a combination of technology like cameras and sensors. It is designed to be swift and efficient in hunting down targets.

Who or what comes sniffing around the door as montag is reading?

A Mechanical Hound comes sniffing around the door as Montag is reading. The Mechanical Hound is a robotic beast programmed to track down and eliminate those who break the law.

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Montag initially thinks he sees a person on the railroad tracks, but it turns out to be a mechanical hound.

What is the impact for the mechanical hound?

The mechanical hound in "Fahrenheit 451" serves as a symbol of the dystopian society's control and oppression. It represents the government's power to enforce conformity and suppress individuality through fear and surveillance. The hound's impact is felt in its ability to instill terror and maintain order in the society.

What could the mechanical hound be a symbol for?

The mechanical hound in "Fahrenheit 451" by Ray Bradbury is a symbol of government control and oppression. It represents the power of technology and surveillance to suppress individuality and free thought in a dystopian society. The hound's relentless pursuit of Montag reflects the conformity and censorship enforced by the government.

What does the fireman in Seattle do to the mechanical hound in Fahrenheit 451?

In "Fahrenheit 451," the fireman named Montag turns the flamethrower on the mechanical hound, destroying it in self-defense as it is programmed to attack him.

How does the mechanical hound die in Fahrenheit 451?

In Fahrenheit 451, the mechanical hound is ultimately destroyed by Montag, who uses a flamethrower to disable and destroy the robot.

What did montag do to thwart the hound?

After the Mechanical Hound stabs Montag in the leg with a needle containing anesthetic he destroys the Hound with the flamethrower he used to burn down his house.

Why did montag take whiskey a suitcase and some of Fabers dirty ol clothes with him?

He took that because he needed to get ride of his scent so the mechanical hound wouldn't be able to find him.

In Fahrenheit 451 how many scents could the mechanical hound remember?

The mechanical hound in Fahrenheit 451 could remember the scent of ten thousand different individuals.

What figure from mythology does the Mechanical Hound recall?

The Mechanical Hound in "Fahrenheit 451" by Ray Bradbury recalls the mythological creature Cerberus, the three-headed dog that guards the entrance to the underworld in Greek mythology. Like Cerberus, the Mechanical Hound serves a similar function of enforcing authority and instilling fear in individuals.